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Tver - Split 3


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Jabbath, I really like Sonia and wish her the best. I tend to doubt these relationships can survive, but who knows. Two porn stars, Julia and Gavin got married! And maybe she isn't pregnant after all.

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True, yadevol. There are diaphragms and other methods. She obviously isn't on the pill. My thinking is she doesn't use other birth control or he would come inside her. Although.... as a person who watches porn, maybe they want to show us the cum!

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True, yadevol. There are diaphragms and other methods. She obviously isn't on the pill. My thinking is she doesn't use other birth control or he would come inside her. Although.... as a person who watches porn, maybe they want to show us the cum!

I saw her once using a suppository, before sex with Ivo.

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Hmm, wonder what that means guys? Is this a form of russian birth control? Who know what they use? Right now US and European sanctions are biting hard on Russia. Putin won't even take certain imports as retaliation. So who knows? Maybe that is just something for an upset stomach?

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Hmm, wonder what that means guys? Is this a form of russian birth control? Who know what they use? Right now US and European sanctions are biting hard on Russia. Putin won't even take certain imports as retaliation. So who knows? Maybe that is just something for an upset stomach?

It is for sure nothing re birth control. Might be something strong against pain or some medicament for vaginal disease.

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Oh, I get it, unsy, a form of plan b birth control you take for one night when you have unprotected sex! We have that in America. The stupid conservatives want to stop young women from using it. So, they would rather they get pregnant and then get abortions????? Well that makes so much sense!!!

That explains why there aren't some pregnancies in VV.

I wonder if the Russian version of the birth control is very effective? The american one is.

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Sender is in Voro still with a couple of friends. But no party just friends smoking. I don't know if they are staying. The dark haired girl there  is the one he put his head in her lap the other day. The other guy was there a couple of nights but didn't stay.

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It is for sure nothing re birth control. Might be something strong against pain or some medicament for vaginal disease.

Ok, möglicherweise hab' ich das falsche englische Wort benutzt aber was ich meine sind die Schaumzäpfchen, die es in der Apotheke gibt.

Die nimmt man vor dem Geschlechtsverkehr. Es entsteht Schaum, der die Spermien abtöten soll. Ist natürlich alles andere als sicher, aber viele Frauen nutzen das, wenn sie die Pille nicht vertragen und kein Kondom zur Hand ist.

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