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Tver - Split 3


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Who knows anymore? Seriously, Ivo and Sonia ought to do Chaturbate while fucking. At least they can make some more money while they are fucking 5 times a day!

5 times. :yikes: ... "Sex sells" to is extrem.  :lmao:

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Ivo must be a regular taker of Viagra (or some kind of spray on liquid) to supplement his normal sexual appetite. He otherwise must be superhuman to keep this level of performance up! Also mentioned a few days a go that I witnessed him injecting himself with a substance. Could this be some sort of hormone treatment I wonder? Apart from all this, he must be bored shitless sometimes, just moping about the flat, doing basically nothing, waiting for Sonia to divest herself of her panties for his, and her pleasure. What a life  :)

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Yeah, vk.com is the russian equivalent of facebook. All of them are on it.

And someone saw Ivo inject himself with  something recently. Unless he is diabetic, which I doubt, maybe a hormone. And Viagara business is booming thanks to Ivo and Sonia!

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Yeah, vk.com is the russian equivalent of facebook. All of them are on it. I know someone who has their facebook links. If anyone is interested, pm me.

And someone saw Ivo inject himself with  something recently. Unless he is diabetic, which I doubt, maybe a hormone. And Viagara business is booming thanks to Ivo and Sonia!

Can you send me?

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