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Do they have an open marrige

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Kira?? Or Nina? Nina is the short one with the short hair (red) and Kira is the tall skinny one with long brown hair. If it was Kira feeling up

some other girl, that sounds incredibly rare and usually if she does something like that, she's just goofing around. Now, Nina on the other hand,

definitely mingles with other women on a regular basis. Open relationship? Well, not for Kira unless she's being pushed into something like before by

Nina. But like I said, Nina always messes around. Pretty sad. I didn't see any of what you're talking about nor do I see pics/videos of it. I am curious as to who Nina just jumped into bed with in the front room. If that is Kira, then I suspect a fight happened most likely because Nina was fooling around like normal. It's fairly typical if that's the case. Hugs to Kira... (the girl with the long brown hair!)

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They have a marriage that's for sure, but if you have been watching them closely like I have for a long time, you would notice one thing - NINA (the short haired red head) is the one that makes the rules and says what happens. KIRA (long haired brown haired tall one) goes along with most everything Nina says. Kira has FOUGHT with NINA time and time again about how she does NOT want to see others but NINA ALWAYS wants to mess around with others. When Nina pushes it, Kira gets mad - we see a fight - we get Nina crying (she cries as a tool) with flowers as well and I have pics of Kira looking up as if to say,  "oh this crap again?!"  Nina has messed around and did her skanking tons of times over and over. KIRA , HATES when Nina pushes it on her and in my opinion, NINA should NOT be in a relationship. Kira is the ONLY one dedicated to the monogamy of their relationship and I hope she is able to escape this mess eventually. She deserves better.

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Thanks Frankster.

I didnt have any idea who is who. You helped me out.

And i agree with you . Getting a dark, sexy voice and looking good is not enough. Never mess with a partner.

Thanks a lot for this information.

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When I see Nina let Kira go to sleep and then Nina pretends to paint .. then goes out and talks on her  cell phone once she knows kira has gone to bed.... i know what's going on. It's sad. Kira (the girl with long hair) deserves better by far. Nina KNOWS she can get away with anything she wants and she does it. We all see it daily. She is the center of attention always and everyone bows down to her. Did you see the smaller girl hang out with her the other night? she acted like a friggin servant to Nina and Nina let her. Sick.  Kira is EASILY likable and kind and will NEVER be alone. Nina... has a rough road ahead in my opinion. Good.

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When I see Nina let Kira go to sleep and then Nina pretends to paint .. then goes out and talks on her  cell phone once she knows kira has gone to bed.... i know what's going on. It's sad. Kira (the girl with long hair) deserves better by far. Nina KNOWS she can get away with anything she wants and she does it. We all see it daily. She is the center of attention always and everyone bows down to her. Did you see the smaller girl hang out with her the other night? she acted like a friggin servant to Nina and Nina let her. Sick.  Kira is EASILY likable and kind and will NEVER be alone. Nina... has a rough road ahead in my opinion. Good.

So you speak Russian and heard her conversation when she was on the phone? Can you give us the (rough) translation, please? Now I'm curious...

And I don't think they are officially married. They live in Russia  ;)

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I like Nina....she's just like any other lesbian I have know...lesbian girls do not have a lot of girls to chose from. And for that reason there are a lot of lesbians who cheat on their girlfriends...which leads to a fight and a break up....so for a lesbian girls who cares about some one she puts up with a whole lot of crap...but for them its all worth it when they get into the bedroom...I know they forgive and forget the whole time they fuck, that's the only thing that matters is making love...being a lesbian is not easy.  There are a lot of temptations because as I said there is only a small circle of available girls around....so a single lez will hit on just about everyone until she finds one who will 'cheat'....That often leads to some pretty wicked revenge acts....like letting the air out of all some one's tires...or worst getting a dyke on a bike to kick some one's ass....I know because I lived in a gay community for many years.....am not gay women or lesbian as in the text book version but rather I like girls and they are fun to play with....yeah and if you ever had a lesbian eat your pussy you'd understand what I mean about liking girls...It's all about the orgasm and if Kira gets that from Nina she will take a lot of crap....Kira could cheat just as easily as Nina if that is what's going on...The marriage could last a life time but you have to understand it is not the same as a heterosexual relationship....it's has a lot of other things most couples don't have to deal with....well that's my 2 cents of insight...your mileage my differ... has any guy here ever bang a lesbian....not a lipstick or a femme one but a hardcore butch biker type....you'll get your butt fuck by her boys and cry like a momma's boy.... :yikes:

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