woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 Well, Leave it to Kiko to kill the fun. Poor Nora is so afraid that Kiko is going 100% gay on her, which is reflective in the way he dresses and by his ear ring which lets other gay guys know he's fair game, and by his ignoring her, that she tries to set this thing up to where he could have both herself and Vika. If he would only stop being interested in other 'boys'. But it's no use. It's Kiko. The only hope for some excitement now, is for Vika to bring into the apartment another guy. The place can squeeze in one more. And she's going to need to have some guy between her legs soon, or she'll explode.
Guest ac_repair Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 could it be that this new girl is related to Nora? I can see facial features, and body lines that are very similar in the two?
woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 According to our Russian ambassador, Noralover,.. she's not.
woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 What I don't understand, is why, if Kiko is so opposed to this with Vika, did he let it seem like he was ok with it. Surely he and Nora talked about it before. And he did put his hand on Vika's leg once. No, I'm not convinced about the story about his dad. Not if Nora was aware and alright with it. I just think that he's not very interested in girls. I mean, does he seem that interested in Nora to you?
woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 Sad, but funny. Two girls willing to share and give themselves to this guy,.. and he's gay! LOL
Guest noraluver Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 According to our Russian ambassador, Noralover,.. she's not. I'm flattered 8) I only know for sure that kiko's not related. I didnt see/hear anything to exclude vika's relation to nastya.... that is indeed an interesting thought. my feeling is that she's not because i remember the first day she appeared, she was asking so much of question like a friend you just got to know in your class and brought home to get to know better. -about their (K+V) quality time today earlier, when he told her about his dad, he said lot of other things like he wasn't into relationships at all until he met N, they got very close if judging the things they talk about. unfortunately i can't sit here all day and wait for them to say something so all i know is from thos tiny chunks of info i get to hear when i do. - and, i really do think he acts different towards V than N, he smiles more, he talks more. with N he tends to listen and respond rather than telling something
woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 I think Kiko is in the dancing room about to try on his new Tutu.
woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 These girls,.. Nora, Vika, Leora, need to wise up, and stop sucking on a lemon if they are ever to expect anything sweeter in their lives when it comes to a MAN, woman, relationship.
love_slave Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 I am very new here, this is my first week. But I am curious as to why everyone thinks that he is gay? Has he brought a guy around the apartment? Earrings can no longer be a great signal that someone is gay, at least not in America (I know that they are in Russia). I am just saying that you can't look at how someone is dressed and say that he is gay. He does have a very peculiar style when he is fucking, but some girls like it slow, do we have any other evidence or is this just speculation? And just in case my tone is taken wrong, I am NOT criticizing anyone's opinions, I am genuinely curious as to anything that has happened before I got here.
woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 I'll grant you that most of what I feel about Kiko is based upon his personal appearance, mannerism, and total lack of interest in females. In the way that most normal guys might feel about females. According to Noraluver, he told Vika that before Nora 'he was interested in relationships at all',.. and that is not the normal inclination of most young men. Believe me, I had a hard time using the word 'men' just now in reference to him, or that other misfit Paul. As far sex goes, in that post I left on page 11. I realize that sometimes it's a good thing to vary things up from time to time, and that sometimes being slow and gentle is a good thing. But I also know that he, Kiko, is not at all passionate. And never very manly in his ways. But I'm not talking just about sex, but in everything he does, or doesn't do. He's a lazy sloth, has no spark, no excitement, is uninventive as far being fun to be around or coming up with fun things to do. But instead, just wants to watch TV. You'd think he was sixty years old, instead of being in his early twenties. What a dud! These are the things that irk me, but then at least I'm not married or stuck with him, like Nora is. What in the world are these girls thinking when they latch on to a Kiko, or a Paul, I'll never know.
woodworker Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 They're outside now talking so we can't hear. But it all comes down to this,.. Vika is catching on, and is fed up with Kiko, and Nora is a bit angry with him as well just now. Just speculation based on what I see, and what I perceive.
Guest Squirrel Posted August 8, 2013 Posted August 8, 2013 I am very new here, this is my first week. But I am curious as to why everyone thinks that he is gay? Has he brought a guy around the apartment? Earrings can no longer be a great signal that someone is gay, at least not in America (I know that they are in Russia). I am just saying that you can't look at how someone is dressed and say that he is gay. He does have a very peculiar style when he is fucking, but some girls like it slow, do we have any other evidence or is this just speculation? And just in case my tone is taken wrong, I am NOT criticizing anyone's opinions, I am genuinely curious as to anything that has happened before I got here. Here's how camcaps seems to work: 1.) Welcome to the Peanut Gallery. We sit up here, watch the action, eat peanuts, spit the shells on the floor, and let our imaginations run rampant like rabid squirrels. 2.) Some us throw rotten tomatoes at the actors. The targets are usually the males. It's a penis envy type-of-thing. People only throw tomatoes at the girls if the girls appear to be unhygienic. 3.) Wit and charm seem to be appreciated, but ignore your karma ratings. There is always a fellow Peanut Gallery member who will get pissed off at what you say. 4.) Post what you can. Translate any language you can. Be kind to others, especially the RLC folks. And have a blast. 5.) Welcome to the zoo.
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