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Leora another new tattoo

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You may have missed the earlier assertion from Daemon that she did indeed do so. I guess being able to understand the language helps in picking up these pieces of trivia, as I'm not sure how else he'd know.


He also said, correctly, that she'd pay for it later, as we all know the dangers of such procedures, done in the name of vanity, rather than good health.


A pity. She doesn't need a tan-line. She needs to stay fit and healthy. I really don't see how a tan-line enhances her natural charms. But then men never do.  

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Indeed! Like wearing their hair up and wearing too much make up and not allowing for the fact that(most)  men like women to be far more au-naturel (not necessarily unclad) than dressed to the nines and made up to kill! And the killer heels are not all they're cracked up to be either!


Frankly those before and after 'makeover' shots we see in the papers and magazines, they often look better BEFORE rather than AFTER!





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