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Really Angry Phone Call

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There's obviously been some turmoil, as her bag is lying in the GR at the foot of the sofa as if thrown there in a fit of pique upon arriving home. As we know, Leora is very tidy and precise about where she puts things and her bag belongs in the hall and everything always looks neat and orderly under her domestic arrangements,


I wasn't around when she came home the last time, so I've no idea when that was, but from the blurred thumbnails when I was awake around 8am her time it looked like there was some early morning action in the bedroom, though difficult to see properly, with the two of them moving around on the bed, not necessarily in delight, perhaps even in a confrontation, simply can't tell from the blurred images.


So whether she came home and threw her bag down before dashing into the bedroom to satisfy her carnal desires with her ever-willing partner (unlikely!), or was told to "get in HERE this minute!" by her main man for a heated discussion, hence the bag being on the floor in the GR instead of in its usual spot, we can only guess.


Anyone else see what happened when she returned most recently? Some of us have to sleep or have lives to live most of the time! HaHa

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