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What happens if she does become pregnant do they loose the apartment or are they allowed to stay there?  If she is pregnant is she mature enough to handle it and Mario I don't know about him,maybe it will make him grow up some. What comes to mind is birth control,none of these men use condoms from what I have seen they all pull out. So the question is do the women use birth control? If not they are all takeing a chance of becomeing pregnant.

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If she is pregnant, they will have to leave. Otherwise someone will scream child porn if she changes a diaper on an open cam. They will have up to her last month to figure out what to do.

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9 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

Doubt it. Look around you at the kids today of parents like them. Need I say more?

You make a very valid point in most cases where couples are in this situation.  I'm sure you know of someone this happened to and it was the best thing for both of them, I know I know someone where that was the case.  However, I have seen where it has made matters for the children involved much worse as well.  I would like to try and give his immature ass the benefit of the doubt however!  It's either going to help him grow up or it's not!!

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3 minutes ago, TBG 150 said:

The thing is, like Lora and Max, we'll never know.

I like Lora and wish her the best!  I wish she hadn't gotten pregnant and was still here with us.  I would probably still be a subscriber if that was the case!!  Plus, who doesn't miss that cat they had!!!

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