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Pemium ?


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Other than some bells and whistles, I see no advantage.   K&K are premium and they appear to be one of the worst apartments on RLC.  There is 9 too many premium apartments!   It's just another way for RLC to suck more money out of your piggy bank!

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It really depends on what you want from to get out of RLC, if you are looking for sex all the time then it is not worth paying for, as you can find that for free.

If you are looking to watch the interaction between couples male/female or female/female or even to apartments that have all girls as friends, and you are a voyeur who likes to just sit back and watch, then  it is a value at the price, as you unlimited access to 15 apartments. with a wide variety of occupants, just living a day to day life., The all girls apartment in Barcelona has some very interesting developments from time to time, and holds a lot of viewers attention. 

15 apartments / 45.00 = 3.00 a apartment per month. Half the price of a Starbucks cup of your favorite coffee or tea.

20 cents a day per apartment. pretty cheap entertainment if you enjoying just watching people and their interactions.

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You can break the cost of anything down to justify your wants & needs.  Did I need to spend an extra $1,000 to get an industrial generator for hurricane season when I might not even use it,  well I did about 7 years ago and it ran without stopping for 13 days in a row.   I could have bought the cheap model and it might have worked just fine, but I justified spending the extra money to get a heavy duty industrial model, not knowing if I was going to use it or not.   In my honest opinion $45 a month is way to high for what you get no matter how you break it down!   But hey, like Thes said.....to each his own!

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Bon je serais dés vôtres a compter de septembre , le temps pour moi de profiter pleinement de mes vacances au soleil , vous avez beaucoup d'humour harley , parlant de cul vous passez a l’industrielle , je sais que le cul est une industrie mais je ne savait pas a ce point la !

Pour répondre a thestarider , non je ne suis pas voyeur , j'ai un métier qui me permet pas de regarder la tv H24/7/7 lol , par contre je trouve le contenues très alléchant sur ce site , mais n'ayant pas les fonds extrême pour suivre tout le monde a la cam , je préfère participer pour avoir accées a l'ensemble des contenues , visualiser et mis en ligne par nos chères contributeurs :o)

Donc on se dit en septembre pour mon status de premium , et merci a tout les contributeurs pour leurs generosité a égayer cette plateformes du voyeurisme :o)



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3 minutes ago, Foamy T. Squirrel said:

I wish that RLC would consider pricing "a la carte." That way people could pay a base fee, and then add only the apartments that interest them the most.

I totally agree Foamy and I have said the same thing several times before.   They could set it up on a "Pay for Apartment" basis.   For 1 apt it is this much, for 2 apt's it's this much, and so on and so on until you hit that outrageous $45 a month fee they charge.   "a la carte" is the way I would like to see them go because I have no interest in the majority of the apartments and signing up for $45 a month just to watch 2, maybe 3 apt's, just doesn't sit very well with me lol.

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C'est vrais que le concept est pas mal ! pour ceux qui payent pour maté tout ces couples pour la plupart des revenants aux dires de certains , mais bon il pourrait faire un effort concernant les prix.

Si un ou plusieurs membres de ce site sur rlc ou voyeur villa sont en contacte direct par le chat , il serais judicieux de leurs posé la question sur ce concept de prix par appartement aux choix.


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I'm newbie. I'm RLC premium membership since 3 weeks ago. I agree, in part, with Foamy, but the prices can not be the same for all Apats because you run the risk  of some  never been required, so i think they must be sold in grups..I think that is quite expansive, but seeing well, it is true that there are many days that are not worth it, but a couple days ago, you had at the sametime, a fuck (lick and so on) show at M &S apt, a lesbian show at N & K apt, and Illona dildo and Irma's finger shows,all this for less than $ 1/day. If you can and like, then that's ok.

(Sorry my poor english)

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