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For a friend. TBG


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When it comes to gun play, as Foamy might recall from the incident at Hemlock Park, where I showed this punk my own version of Russian Roulette, I tend to be a bit more diplomatic than I was on that particular night.

Honestly, while everyone is rather quick when they're young.  I was notably quick in my actions at certain times.  

Quick as lightning and as agile as a mountain goat.   There was nothing about me that was ever clumsy in my ways.  

And my mind when in the heat of conflict is absolutely uncanny.   So hard to describe, but even quicker, and more apt than even my obvious motor skills.

So that you will know just how unerring fast I could be I will relate a non-threatening event that took place, that is almost super human in the way of being quick.

There is an old bar trick where a person would hold a dollar bill just an inch away from your thumb and forefinger, and will say if you can catch it you can have it.   And then he will let the bill drop, and almost no one can ever pinch their fingers quick enough to grab that bill. 

Now imagine this,.. At a party at Joes house to celebrate his new baby, where there were a few friends then gathered around the kitchen dinette table which was up against the wall by a window.  

I was sitting on the inside close to the window, and some girl was sitting to my left.   Directly across from me was some other girl, with Joe then sitting on the outside part of this booth like table.

A girl, named Karen was then holding Joe's new baby, and was then throwing it up a little bit into the air and then catching it.

But, on this one occasion, she dropped the baby, and I dove under the table and caught the kid just a couple of inches away from the floor.   I caught it like a football.    And the amazing thing, though I didn't care about it at the time, was that I didn't even knock over any drinks!   That surprised me.

Joe's words spoken just then was a mixture of anger directed towards poor Karen, and relief at the same time, as he then said harshly,.. "Nice fucking catch!"  

Even Joe, who was sitting right next to where Karen was then standing, couldn't respond as fast.  In fact, no one, except for Karen of course, had even grasped just then that dreadful drop.  And though it was all a flash, I still remember that anxious look upon her face just then.

By the way,.. For what it's worth, I always gave credit to God for those times when that sort of thing might have saved somebody.    He still moves me even now.   Perhaps not as quickly, but in different ways all the same.

There, now I'm done.   Boy, sometimes writing is a bitch! 



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A man with cat like reflexes.....I like it!   You should have been a boxer, sugar ray wouldn't have had anything on you!    I have a lot of different kind of stories but the problem is I can't remember over half of them lol.    Another good story by the WW!!

When I was 20 years old I was driving my motor scooter home from work after pulling a double shift because the same fucking people never wanted to come to work.   At any rate, I had a 40 minute ride to get to my house which was on the bay and I had to cross a double set of railroad tracks that were literally about 5 miles from my house.   I know what you're thinking....no big deal right!   The only problem was that I crossed them in a dead sleep and totally shattered the arms that come down to keep people from crossing the tracks.   How I didn't kill myself that morning I'll never know.   I didn't wreck my bike and somehow never let go of the handle bars when I was finally awakened by the very sudden jolt and swerving after hitting those arms.   When I reach my house and got off the bike to take a look at the damage,  I had lost my headlight and left blinker.  Needless to say, that was the last time I worked a double shift when I would ride my bike to work.

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5 minutes ago, HarleyFatboy said:

A man with cat like reflexes.....I like it!   You should have been a boxer, sugar ray wouldn't have had anything on you!    I have a lot of different kind of stories but the problem is I can't remember over half of them lol.    Another good story by the WW!!

When I was 20 years old I was driving my motor scooter home from work after pulling a double shift because the same fucking people never wanted to come to work.   At any rate, I had a 40 minute ride to get to my house which was on the bay and I had to cross a double set of railroad tracks that were literally about 5 miles from my house.   I know what you're thinking....no big deal right!   The only problem was that I crossed them in a dead sleep and totally shattered the arms that come down to keep people from crossing the tracks.   How I didn't kill myself that morning I'll never know.   I didn't wreck my bike and somehow never let go of the handle bars when I was finally awakened by the very sudden jolt and swerving after hitting those arms.   When I reach my house and got off the bike to take a look at the damage,  I had lost my headlight and left blinker.  Needless to say, that was the last time I worked a double shift when I would ride my bike to work.

Just as with me, Your guardian angel was there for you.    Boy, the ones assigned to look after me must have dreaded the job.  :angel: 

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1 minute ago, woodworker said:

Just as with me, Your guardian angel was there for you.    Boy, the ones assigned to look after me must have dreaded the job.  :angel:

LOL....I'm sure it kept them on their toes!

Yes, I feel someone was really looking out for me that morning.   I don't know how long I had been asleep and thank god there wasn't a train going across those tracks at the time!

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