Foamy T. Squirrel Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 Let's remember that before we judge these women, we must also consider our own personal situations. They waste their human potential by parading themselves on the Internet, and they are paid money in the form of tokens, cash, and rent. We waste our human potential by watching them, and we are paid nothing, and in truth we lose money on the deal. Who are the lazy sluts here? Who are the victims? :shiteatinggrin: :shiteatinggrin:
mikeof26 Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 I do not judge people that's not my I said about blue if that make her happy to be a web cam modeling that's fine by me.
mr1010 Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 In this world, men still hold more of the cards over women. Women often do not have the choice either because of financial reasons or because it is their one chance to make something of themselves using the one asset they have over men, their bodies. Society often forces or pushes them toward that choice. Men have the power, don't have to parade their bodies in front of women. Why do actresses and models often eventually do naked pics or movies in time? Because society demands it from them and because it is their best opportunities to make something of themselves with the talents they have, It is the ultimate in hypocrisy to see the women who go nude on the internet as sluts when we are watching naked women here!!!! If every man stopped looking at naked women, women wouldn't be doing it (and ironically, they would be hurt financially!). I am sorry to say this Foamy and Stone, but I understand why snaky got angry and cursed at Corbo. He just goes on and on and on about this slut/whore stuff!!!!!! I think Corbo's slut comments led to snaky's comments. He just said what I thought also! In order to stop fights from breaking out, stop the source, not the response. If you stop the responder you embolden the original offender. He feels he can do anything he wants and if anyone responds they will get excised, not him! The goal of moderating a forum shouldn't be just keeping peace but also justice!!! Justice will keep the peace while being equitable!!! Now you guys know I am just using my great persuasive debating powers, not to undermine your authority! Just think about it for the future.
corboblanc Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 In this world, men still hold more of the cards over women. Women often do not have the choice either because of financial reasons or because it is their one chance to make something of themselves using the one asset they have over men, their bodies. Society often forces or pushes them toward that choice. Men have the power, don't have to parade their bodies in front of women. Why do actresses and models often eventually do naked pics or movies in time? Because society demands it from them and because it is their best opportunities to make something of themselves with the talents they have, It is the ultimate in hypocrisy to see the women who go nude on the internet as sluts when we are watching naked women here!!!! If every man stopped looking at naked women, women wouldn't be doing it (and ironically, they would be hurt financially!). I am sorry to say this Foamy and Stone, but I understand why snaky got angry and cursed at Corbo. He just goes on and on and on about this slut/whore stuff!!!!!! I think Corbo's slut comments led to snaky's comments. He just said what I thought also! In order to stop fights from breaking out, stop the source, not the response. If you stop the responder you embolden the original offender. He feels he can do anything he wants and if anyone responds they will get excised, not him! The goal of moderating a forum shouldn't be just keeping peace but also justice!!! Justice will keep the peace while being equitable!!! Now you guys know I am just using my great persuasive debating powers, not to undermine your authority! Just think about it for the future. je trouve très facile l'idée de dire que si il y a autant d'actrices pornos ou de filles qui s'exhibent ou qui gagne leur vie grâce au métier du sexe, c'est de la faute de l'homme ou du client!!! si je suis à regarder des filles nues sur internet, c'est avant tout parce qu'elles sont aujourd'hui des millions à faire du porno avec un immense plaisir!!! le nombres d'actrices n'a pas évolué à cause des hommes qui regarde du porno, c'est le nombre d'homme qui regardent du porno, qui à augmenter à cause de l'incroyable augmentation d'actrices porno!!!! pour le reste, je me fout de votre avis et de celui des quelques pères la morale, qui commencent profondément à m'emmerder!!! je pense et je répète qu'une fille qui fait du porno comme bleue est une salope!!!! si le forum décide de censurer ce genre de chose, cela n'est pas grave, il y a d'autres endroits ou les gens peuvent dire "bitch" sans être harceler par des protecteurs de la déchéance, sorti des caniveaux de l'extrême gauche!!! :bang head: :bang head: I find the idea very easy to say that if there are so many porn actresses and girls who perform or who earns their living in the sex trade, it is the fault of man or customer !!! if I am looking at naked girls on the internet, it is primarily because they are today millions do porn with great pleasure !!! the actresses numbers has not changed because of men watching porn, the number of men who watch porn, that increase because of the incredible increase of porn actresses !!!! for the rest, I do not care about your opinion and that of some fathers morality, which start deep piss me !!! I think and I say that a girl who makes porn as blue is a slut !!!! if the forum decided to censor this kind of thing, it does not matter, there are other places where people can say "bitch" without being harassed by guards forfeiture, out of the gutters of extreme left!!! :curse: :curse: :bang head: :bang head: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke: :smoke:
mr1010 Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 What is your excuse for watching this site Corbo? Aren't you defunct morally for doing it? NO DOUBLE STANDARD, I say!!!! If the girls are morally defunct, then we are also morally defunct!!!! I choose to say, that since neither you nor I are gods, we don't have the right to judge others. And if we do have the right, then I have the right to judge you! And you would then be found guilty of hypocrisy!!! And the penalty for such a "crime" should be the inability to be a hypocrite anymore. That means to leave the sites with the women you hate! Why watch those sluts anyway? I choose to watch women who are good looking and sexy and who have sex (like women do in private all over the world). And I don't judge them.
Snider Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 What is your excuse for watching this site Corbo? Aren't you defunct morally for doing it? NO DOUBLE STANDARD, I say!!!! If the girls are morally defunct, then we are also morally defunct!!!! I choose to say, that since neither you nor I are gods, we don't have the right to judge others. And if we do have the right, then I have the right to judge you! And you would then be found guilty of hypocrisy!!! And the penalty for such a "crime" should be the inability to be a hypocrite anymore. That means to leave the sites with the women you hate! Why watch those sluts anyway? I choose to watch women who are good looking and sexy and who have sex (like women do in private all over the world). And I don't judge them. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: je suis tout à fait d'accords avec toi :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: I am quite chord with you :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:
DES7469 Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 What is your excuse for watching this site Corbo? Aren't you defunct morally for doing it? NO DOUBLE STANDARD, I say!!!! If the girls are morally defunct, then we are also morally defunct!!!! I choose to say, that since neither you nor I are gods, we don't have the right to judge others. And if we do have the right, then I have the right to judge you! And you would then be found guilty of hypocrisy!!! And the penalty for such a "crime" should be the inability to be a hypocrite anymore. That means to leave the sites with the women you hate! Why watch those sluts anyway? I choose to watch women who are good looking and sexy and who have sex (like women do in private all over the world). And I don't judge them. Just what I've been saying. You can pick any girl on RLC. Leora, Masha, Blue, Danaya, Kami, Nelly, doesn't matter. They are masturbating on cam in front of strangers. How they do it and how much they choose to expose varies but they are all still masturbating. If you pass a moral judgment one one them you are passing it on all of them. I'm glad that this has remained civil for the most part. I'm not out to change anybodies thinking. But I do believe if your going to post an opinion you should be willing to handle disagreement on that opinion. As long as it is done a civil manner. Think it's time for bed. 13 1/2 hours has taken it's toll.
snaky Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 la plupart des gens ont besoin d'argent!!! la caissière, la vendeuse de chaussure, l'infirmière, la cuisinière, tout le monde!!! la différence avec le porno ou les webcam porno, c'est que les nouvelles générations de filles qui en font, le font pour l'argent, mais aussi parce qu'elles aiment cela!!! c'est parfois dur à entendre pour des oreilles trop prudes et ignorantes des phénomènes actuels, et l'on s'aperçoit très vite ici du décalage entre la réalité et l'idée que les gens se font!!! je n'entend parler ici que d'une pauvre et frêle jeune fille, qui ne peut faire cela que parce qu'elle y est obligée, qu'elle n'a pas le choix, qu'elle a besoin d'argent pour survivre!!! comme si toutes les filles qui travaillent dans le sexe ou le porno étaient des victimes qui n'arrivaient même plus à se regarder dans la glace!!! je me demande parfois depuis combien de temps certains types sont restés isolés du monde qui les entourent!!! il existe effectivement des victimes et des filles qui sont obligées de se prostituer ou de faire du porno, pour survivre et souvent nourrir leur famille. mais en général, c'est leur dernier recours!!! elle ne se lève pas à 15 heures et ne se font pas faire un tatouage merdique à 800 euros!!!! avant de se prostituer avec les larmes aux yeux, elles ont tout tenté!!! mais il existe aussi des filles plutôt fainéantes, qui aiment le cul, et qui trouve dans le porno ou l'exhibition sexuelle, un moyen facile et plaisant, de se faire de l'argent, sans trop transpirer!!!! cela leur permet de bien gagner leur vie, en se levant au milieu de l'après midi pour regarder des films avachie sur le canapé, à longueur de mois!!! bleue à très bien comprit l'avantage qu'elle pouvait tirer des membres de rlc, qui composaient 90 % de son auditoire, hier soir sur cam4!!! l'argent gagné hier lui a permis de rester allonger aujourd'hui, pour récupérer de ce "travail" si difficile, qu'elle a fait les larmes aux yeux hier, tellement cela la dégoutait, la pauvre petite..... :'( :'( :no: most people need money !!! the cashier, the shoe saleswoman, the nurse, the cook, everyone !!! Unlike with porn or porn webcam is that new generations of girls who do, do it for the money, but because they love it !!! it's sometimes hard to hear for too prudish ears and ignorant of current events, and we soon realize here the gap between the reality and the idea that people are !!! I hear here as a poor, frail girl who can do this only because it is required to do so, she has no choice, she needs money to survive !!! as if all the girls working in the sex or porn were victims who even came over to look in the mirror !!! I sometimes wonder how long certain types remained isolated from the world around them !!! there are indeed victims and girls who are forced into prostitution or to porn, to survive and often feed their families. but in general, this is their last resort !!! she does not get up to 15 hours and are not doing a crappy tattoo 800 euros !!!! before prostitution with tears in their eyes, they tried everything !!! but there are also rather lazy girls who love the ass and in the porn or sexual exhibitionism, easy and fun way to make money without much sweat !!!! this allows them to earn a good living, getting up in the middle of the afternoon to watch movies slumped on the couch, months in length !!! blue very well realized the benefit it could derive members rlc, which composed 90% of its audience last night on cam4 !!! Money won yesterday allowed him to remain lying today to recover from this "work" so hard, she did tearfully yesterday, so that the disgusted, the poor little ..... :'( :'( :no: Since you have such accurate information, it means you were one of those percents. Which means you were one of the thousands of "dick in hand" guys watching a girl expose herself and play with a sex toy for money. Which essentially means, that you were willing to forego all your "beliefs" that you were preaching about here to gain pleasure. Therefore, you are nothing but a slutbuddy! :)
corboblanc Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 What is your excuse for watching this site Corbo? Aren't you defunct morally for doing it? NO DOUBLE STANDARD, I say!!!! If the girls are morally defunct, then we are also morally defunct!!!! I choose to say, that since neither you nor I are gods, we don't have the right to judge others. And if we do have the right, then I have the right to judge you! And you would then be found guilty of hypocrisy!!! And the penalty for such a "crime" should be the inability to be a hypocrite anymore. That means to leave the sites with the women you hate! Why watch those sluts anyway? I choose to watch women who are good looking and sexy and who have sex (like women do in private all over the world). And I don't judge them. le sexe est une addiction comme la drogue ou l'alcool, et en général, les plus attaqués sont ceux qui fabriquent et distribuent l'alcool, pas la personne ou le jeune qui en consomme!!!! j'ai le droit de constater qu'une fille est une slut, et que l'actrice porno en gang bang n'est qu'une grosse chienne, et ce n'ai pas votre petite morale de comptoir qui va m'expliquer que ce sont des filles chastes et adorables!!!! en leur disant que ce qu'elles font est superbe et pas répréhensible, vous les encouragez à continuer!!! vous êtes exactement ce genre de type directement responsables de l'explosion du porno et de la transformation de millions de jeunes femmes en grosses chiennes nymphomanes de l'industrie du porno, car vous les encouragées!!!! dire à une jeune fille de 20 ans qui commence à faire du porno: "ce que tu fait est bien, nous t'adorons, tu n'est pas une salope", c'est l'encourager à continuer, pour que vous puissiez vous astiquer le manche lors de sa prochaine séance!!! vous me dégoutez!!! j'ai vu ici les pires insultes, et parce que j'estime que cette fille est une petite salope, vous demandez aux modérateurs de me bannir?!!! mais qui êtes vous pour demander cela?!! je suis sur rlc pour regarder des filles dans leur quotidien le plus réel possible, pas pour mater des chiennes qui se branlent sur des webcams porno!!!!! les autres filles se masturbent parce qu'elle en ont envies dans leur vraies vies!!! pas parce que c'est l'heure d'aller sur un site porno s'enfoncer des godes et obéir à des obsédés en rut, qui vous demandent les pires trucs dégueulasses contre des points!!!!!! une salope, c'est cela!!!!! :bang head: :trashcomputer: :headache: :soapbox: sex is an addiction like drugs or alcohol, and in general, most attacked are those who manufacture and distribute alcohol, not the person or young person who consumes !!!! I have the right to see that a girl is a slut, and that gang bang porn actress is a big dog, and it was not your little moral counter will explain that they are chaste and adorable girls !!!! telling them that what they do is superb and not objectionable, you encourage them to continue !!! you are exactly the kind of guy directly responsible for the explosion of porn and processing of millions of young women in big bitches bitches of the porn industry because you encouraged !!!! tell a girl of 20 who starts making porn: "what you do is, we love you, you is not a bitch" is encouraged to continue, for you you polish the handle at its next session !!! You make me sick!!! I saw here the worst insults, and because I believe that this girl is a slut, you ask the moderators to ban me? !!! but who are you to ask that? !! I'm on rlc to watch the girls in their daily life as real as possible, not to subdue bitches who masturbate on webcam porn !!!!! the other girls masturbate because they have cravings in their real lives !!! not because it's time to go on a porn site plunge dildos and obey obsessed horny, that ask you the worst icky stuff against points !!!!!! a bitch, that's it !!!!! :headache: :headache: :bang head: :bang head: :soapbox:
leomessy Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 bitch always bitchy anyway, it looks like another blue show on the way
horseshoejerry Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 le sexe est une addiction comme la drogue ou l'alcool, et en général, les plus attaqués sont ceux qui fabriquent et distribuent l'alcool, pas la personne ou le jeune qui en consomme!!!! j'ai le droit de constater qu'une fille est une slut, et que l'actrice porno en gang bang n'est qu'une grosse chienne, et ce n'ai pas votre petite morale de comptoir qui va m'expliquer que ce sont des filles chastes et adorables!!!! en leur disant que ce qu'elles font est superbe et pas répréhensible, vous les encouragez à continuer!!! vous êtes exactement ce genre de type directement responsables de l'explosion du porno et de la transformation de millions de jeunes femmes en grosses chiennes nymphomanes de l'industrie du porno, car vous les encouragées!!!! dire à une jeune fille de 20 ans qui commence à faire du porno: "ce que tu fait est bien, nous t'adorons, tu n'est pas une salope", c'est l'encourager à continuer, pour que vous puissiez vous astiquer le manche lors de sa prochaine séance!!! vous me dégoutez!!! j'ai vu ici les pires insultes, et parce que j'estime que cette fille est une petite salope, vous demandez aux modérateurs de me bannir?!!! mais qui êtes vous pour demander cela?!! je suis sur rlc pour regarder des filles dans leur quotidien le plus réel possible, pas pour mater des chiennes qui se branlent sur des webcams porno!!!!! les autres filles se masturbent parce qu'elle en ont envies dans leur vraies vies!!! pas parce que c'est l'heure d'aller sur un site porno s'enfoncer des godes et obéir à des obsédés en rut, qui vous demandent les pires trucs dégueulasses contre des points!!!!!! une salope, c'est cela!!!!! :bang head: :trashcomputer: :headache: :soapbox: sex is an addiction like drugs or alcohol, and in general, most attacked are those who manufacture and distribute alcohol, not the person or young person who consumes !!!! I have the right to see that a girl is a slut, and that gang bang porn actress is a big dog, and it was not your little moral counter will explain that they are chaste and adorable girls !!!! telling them that what they do is superb and not objectionable, you encourage them to continue !!! you are exactly the kind of guy directly responsible for the explosion of porn and processing of millions of young women in big bitches bitches of the porn industry because you encouraged !!!! tell a girl of 20 who starts making porn: "what you do is, we love you, you is not a bitch" is encouraged to continue, for you you polish the handle at its next session !!! You make me sick!!! I saw here the worst insults, and because I believe that this girl is a slut, you ask the moderators to ban me? !!! but who are you to ask that? !! I'm on rlc to watch the girls in their daily life as real as possible, not to subdue bitches who masturbate on webcam porn !!!!! the other girls masturbate because they have cravings in their real lives !!! not because it's time to go on a porn site plunge dildos and obey obsessed horny, that ask you the worst icky stuff against points !!!!!! a bitch, that's it !!!!! :headache: :headache: :bang head: :bang head: :soapbox: As interesting as RLC is to me, I am an observer offline as well. One of my favorite things is to see the destruction of a hypocrite. Most take pleasure in trying to take them down via argument. I have found it is not necessary. Hypocrites self destruct. I enjoy just letting them just keep talking. In their determination to prove their righteousness their support diminishes. Instead of people laughing with the audience begins to laugh at. Such a pity. The hypocrite is always the last to know. That is when my enjoyment begins.
Guest Posted March 3, 2016 Posted March 3, 2016 BLUE seems to have a serious discussion with CURLY, and she has been crying. I don´t understand what they are talking about, but I am guessing BLUE regrets her being on Cam 4 - she could not guess how much interest that would raise on CC. What can she do now, what´s done is done. It is like she has lost her virginity in a way, and you can lose it only once and never get back.
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