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Where are the Girls and What are They Doing Now ? ~ Part #4

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10 minutes ago, kris66 said:

awwww felt hit?

Hahah. Listen Ridge comes from a place of information. I personally am not interested in any of the tenants social pages, not even celebs that I enjoy. But I'm just not that interested in social media in general. I don't even do Facebook, the last time I did was Myspace(remember that phase?). Stalker is a strong word. But I get your point why be THAT invested. Social media as a source of information and data. I believe where Ridge is coming from.is interest to provide insight. Heck, he is not alone. People have flight times, information on their vacations, information(accurately) of who will be coming to the apts. Its all because of social media. Weird to me and probably you but its the world. Embrace it as it is or try your best to avoid it like I do. This forum is social media. Email chains was social media, comments on YouTube is social media. I'm just a private person and want to keep my interpretation in tact without the noise. I like not understanding the language but I do accept translations and added information. I scratch my head a lot "who do they know so much?" Not speaking for Ridge just providing my perspective from reading his contribution based on his sense and information.

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1 hour ago, kenny1940 said:

Hahah. Listen Ridge comes from a place of information. I personally am not interested in any of the tenants social pages, not even celebs that I enjoy. But I'm just not that interested in social media in general. I don't even do Facebook, the last time I did was Myspace(remember that phase?). Stalker is a strong word. But I get your point why be THAT invested. Social media as a source of information and data. I believe where Ridge is coming from.is interest to provide insight. Heck, he is not alone. People have flight times, information on their vacations, information(accurately) of who will be coming to the apts. Its all because of social media. Weird to me and probably you but its the world. Embrace it as it is or try your best to avoid it like I do. This forum is social media. Email chains was social media, comments on YouTube is social media. I'm just a private person and want to keep my interpretation in tact without the noise. I like not understanding the language but I do accept translations and added information. I scratch my head a lot "who do they know so much?" Not speaking for Ridge just providing my perspective from reading his contribution based on his sense and information.

I view this apartment as a real life soap opera and I use Kitek's translations along with public social media accounts,etc. to have a better understanding of exactly what is happening in the apartment and thereby enjoy the soap opera that much more.For example,I knew who Dima was in Sept,2015,so when he showed up at the apartment in Feb.,2016 I knew exactly who he was.I was a bit surprised that he appeared on RLC though because Kami pretty much kept him off her social media account,but she was very much on his account.

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