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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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When did Leora get the tats on her right side and arm? Just the last day or two?

Right arm has a week and a half to two weeks.

Side body was made today.

Both are not permanent

I saw this today and almost screamed out loud! Tatoos ar dreadful! Thank god almighty its a removable one!

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I like the photo.  How did you get a picture of Leora outside the apartment?  Is she on Facebook or another site?

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When I click on the link, I just get:  Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_album() in /home/yedi/public_html/app/themes/Peafowl/header.php on line 89


On ‎2015‎-‎04‎-‎28 at 2:34 PM, Aree said:



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1000 Photos

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On ‎2015‎-‎05‎-‎19 at 10:14 PM, skipp said:

When I click on the link, I just get:  Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_album() in /home/yedi/public_html/app/themes/Peafowl/header.php on line 89





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1000 Photos

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It's a DEAD LINK! It's been dead for weeks. Gone. Finito. Let it go!

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When did Leora get the tats on her right side and arm? Just the last day or two?

Right arm has a week and a half to two weeks.

Side body was made today.

Both are not permanent

I saw this today and almost screamed out loud! Tatoos ar dreadful! Thank god almighty its a removable one!

One of those bubble gum wrapper tattoos.  Wet the skin and stick it on.  LOL
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Paul must be playing Soldier Boy again. He got his hair cut.

And... she was stewing up something on one his camo jackets yesterday. Let's see how long he stays away this time.

Okay... when's he leaving... how long is he going to be gone... and how do we sent Leora an assortment of sex toys to keep her from missing him?  ;D

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Paul must be playing Soldier Boy again. He got his hair cut.

And... she was stewing up something on one his camo jackets yesterday. Let's see how long he stays away this time.

Elle était en train de lui coudre une doublure sur le col de sa veste, ce n'est pas la première fois que je la vois le faire. Une fois de plus, elle est trop bonne avec lui !

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