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Leora & Paul Pictures - Split #1

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I think they sometime reads CC comments not too long ago when this thread was being written she was on and you can see a little of the monitor then she turned it towards her.

then there was that day if anyone remembers that someone..it could have been her or Paul  so upset to the point it  of defending what was going on with the crying,the shoving and so on..that day it was pretty weird reading the back and fourth  i think they read our comments...

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Guest Mandy Pandy

I like Leora, I think she's cute and adorable.  BUT, She's so scripted it's ridiculous. Leora is the biggest fake (poser) chick in the REAL LIFE CAM cast of characters.  Today she was talking on the phone non-stop for 15 plus minutes without a single pause. Hello was anyone listening to her on the other end? She "wiggles" her little butt around her apartment topless and constantly trying to hide her boobs as if she's afraid someone might be watching her. Are we all invading her private life?  Also when she finally gets to have real sex with her partner, she sounds like she's doing a voice over for a porn video. Leora in my opinion is just a little girl trying to play in a big girls world. My boyfriend says she gets a thumbs up for her skinny legs and big boobs on her tiny body.  Wait....honey! I have skinny legs and big boobs, do I get a thumbs up too?  The correct response is? 2 thumbs up!!!  Good boy you got the answer right for a change.

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It's really interesting to get a woman's view of the RLC girls. Leora is certainly a little girl in a grown up world.

She needs to learn to be assertive rather than simply throw tantrums and learn to demand an orgasm instead of pretending to have them!!!

AND she needs to learn to leave her fucking hair alone whilst fucking!!! LOL!!!

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Guest Squirrel

Good call but I can't believe such a site can keep both Leora and Paul entertained for hours!! They must be looking at something more interesting!!!

Did we really have to bring Paul into this discussion?...oh well...I know he watches a lot of cartoons on TV...maybe they're just perusing motherless together and don't want mommy & daddy to find out...
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Guest Squirrel

I wouldn't want my Mum to find out about Motherless either and she has dementia!!!

I am sorry to hear about your mother's affliction. For God's sake be a dutiful son and protect her from 4chan/b/... :o
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