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Leora & Paul Videos - Split #1

Guest NL

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Paul going out and buying her a vibrator would be special.  :D

This ^^  There are so many times where she looks like she's right at the edge of rubbing one out and taking care of herself, but she always stops. A vibrator might be exactly what she needs to finally go through with it.

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stupid paul >:( why he  not licking and bj orgasm with leora :-[ paul not not good lover :o

That Paul guy is the lamest guy I have seen. Leora is always horny and always trying to get his attention, but the fucking PC is more important to him than his woman. They guy doesn't have the energy for a good, all stops-lifted sex; he doesn't lick her pussy, doesn't play with her; doesn't even give her a chance for her to have her orgasm. Leora will soon get bored with him and will find someone else who would take care of here the way she's always wanted it.

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