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Nastya & Zheka Videos - Split #1

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Guest Squirrel

Gee, thanks for the help.

Just for that I give you a +1 karma, and I'm gonna sneak in a shot of Smirnoff for ya while you're not looking...

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Friedel, wäre nicht verkehrt, wenn Du erst mal ein gescheites Deutsch an den Tag legst. Deine Kommentare muss man 3-4x lesen, um den Sinn zu verstehen.

Ausserdem bist DU es, der hier den ganzen Tag nur am Meckern und Motzen ist. Wenn es Dir hier nicht gefällt, dann sei bitte so lieb und mach den Kreische. Einverstanden?

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Guest friedel

wie kommst du denn darauf ich soll den kreische machen.Er hatte mir nur den vorschlag gemacht,seine daten zu geben

um bei rlc wieder reinkomme.Wenn du mal die berichte voher lesen würdest,dann köntes du auch wissen,das ich bei rlc rausgeflogen bin.

Im moment würde ich mich auch nicht mehr anmelden,weil die bewohner alle langweihlig geworden sind.Und nach drei monaten hat man die schnauze normalerweise auch

voll,immer nur die gleichen gesichter zu sehen.

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Guest bluebyte

friedel, wie viele leute hier genau sind es denn, die deine videos reposten?

und was sagen die forenadmins dazu?

ich meine, reposter sind hier doch eher eine minderheit, welche man mithilfe der admins loswerden könnte.

und ich suche immer noch das heiligabend video von nora :>

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Guest Squirrel

Why would Original Posters not wish to have their stuff freely shared?

Why would they not wish to share it in a way that works well for all members?

Why would they disapprove of someone else helping them to share their stuff?

These posts are not the property of the Original Posters. They are the property of RLC.

If you're going to share it, don't get a stick up your ass about it, because it doesn't belong to you in the first place.

Can't we all just get along? Flame wars belong on /b; not on CamCaps....

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Squirrel is spot on again.

As someone with zero computer ability I have always relied on posters to share 'interesting' moments with the CamCaps community. Over my time here I have benefitted hugely and consequently have always tried to express my thanks for their efforts.

Many times I have been frustrated by not being able to download depending upon the file sharing site or the type of file posted, however that has never stopped me appreciating each poster's efforts. I have commented regularly encouraging people to be courteous and thankful at all times.

It has therefore disappointed me to watch as some poster's have traded insults with each other or where people have abused Posters for not using the right file types or file sharing sites or even the content of the videos!!!!

I hope everyone on CamCaps can live in harmony and share, not only great vids but also great conversation. We all know we can go to porn sites for what they offer but surely we also realise that like the song Hotel California says

'You can check-out any time you like, But you can never leave! "

We are here forever guys, let's try to get along!!!!

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Hey Is this thread about "VIDEO POSTS" ???????  I see more ego-testical bullshit rhetoric going on here than VIDEOS!!!!!!!! Maya and Nastyka video pages have been overtaken by whining crap text posts about who posted "MY" vid first, in what language, gets paid or not, and/or reloads or not, than getting the vids posted so they be shared used and abused! For what I thought was grown up adults sharing the Voyeur Experience, I am seriously beginning to wonder if some high school adolescents slipped in here and decided to act their age. Lets get back to the days when the vids had priority here!!! Thanks... an innocent bystander!!! hahaha

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