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The time frame is wrong. hotcouple was here long before A&H moved in.

How am I supposed to figure that out? Wait I know... I can skimm through the older posts and see when Hotcouple started being active, then I can look at earliest on Harver and Ariel's board and compare dates.

I just came back from 3 days or rest, relaxation and lots of alcohol on a beach in Jamaica sot his mental exercise is jump starting the mind back.  8) :-\

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How am I supposed to figure that out? Wait I know... I can skimm through the older posts and see when Hotcouple started being active, then I can look at earliest on Harver and Ariel's board and compare dates.

I just came back from 3 days or rest, relaxation and lots of alcohol on a beach in Jamaica sot his mental exercise is jump starting the mind back.  8) :-\

Not a lot of skimming necessary, both dates are a couple of clicks away if you know where to look. Hey, you need to do at least a little detective work or it's not as fun finding the answer. Don't worry, we won't take points off until you've recovered a little.

If your status is invite only, who or what extends the invite?

'What' seems more appropriate. I'm not sure if any of us really know. All we see is 'The Great & Powerful Oz!', we don't get to peek behind the curtain.

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The time frame is wrong. hotcouple was here long before A&H moved in.

from what I found hotcouple was here feb 4, 2013. ariel and harvey moved in about mar 13, 2013.

you consider a month a long time? or am I going the wrong direction?

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Under these circumstances, yes, a month would be a long time. To follow this direction, you would have RLC tenants registering on camcaps before their apartment was even vacant. Since the previous tenant's departure was abrupt and unexpected due to a nervous/emotional breakdown and not a planned move-out, this scenario is highly unlikely.

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Guest Squirrel

just realized someone smited me. not sure when it happened. AWESOME!

You are learning your skills well, Grasshopper. Soon you will piss off enough assholes for NO FUCKING REASON, and demonstrate that you can endure the fire of the cauldron. Your street cred will then become truly awesome.

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