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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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I am pretty sure she will leave. And RLC deserves it. Its the only way they will see what consequences it brings to bring Fidel in there. I think with Elisa gone nearly nobody will watch this appartement anymore. Rita is a nice girl but only nice to watch if you are into the "best hiding from cams" game. And Fidel and Vika. I couldnt care less. They will lose many customers (including me) who only subscribed because ot that special appartement

Me too.

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Sorry Alba, im jus tired of people speaking to me like im a dumbass or something. I only give my opinions, or thoughts. No one really knows but Elisa and RLC, and boyfriend probably. I just give my opinions and then the facts come out eventually. Didn't mean to come on quite that strong.

Thanks I appreciate that - I was just trying to offer general advise not to be taken personal.  It is hard to know on this board sometimes what is fact vs opinion.  Unless you're here all the time your not sure if someone has information that you may have missed.  

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Thanks I appreciate that - I was just trying to offer general advise not to be taken personal.  It is hard to know on this board sometimes what is fact vs opinion.  Unless you're here all the time your not sure if someone has information that you may have missed.  

Again im sorry i kinda lost it. Im jus totally pissed that she may leave because of a "Freak. If it's because of missing her boyfriend.... then thats cool, but hope its not because of Fidel.

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Guys in this apartment they always leave.  That is the bad.   But the good is new girls come and we get a variety.  Don't get too hung up on any one girls here. You will be disappointed.  It is like a TV show some end quick and other go longer.  But they all end.  Then new girls come!

Now K&K did come back and that is good - but again it can only go so long.  And Rita has shown up in Moscow and now back Barcelona.  Lots of people liked her the first time and were upset she left.  I thought people would commit suicide when K&K left - rather quickly too.  K&K seemed to be the most popular when they where in Barcelona.  But you have to be here for that one. 

Just stay tuned ....

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Guys in this apartment they always leave.  That is the bad.   But the good is new girls come and we get a variety.  Don't get too hung up on any one girls here. You will be disappointed.  It is like a TV show some end quick and other go longer.  But they all end.  Then new girls come!

Now K&K did come back and that is good - but again it can only go so long.  And Rita has shown up in Moscow and now back Barcelona.  Lots of people liked her the first time and were upset she left.  I thought people would commit suicide when K&K left - rather quickly too.  K&K seemed to be the most popular when they where in Barcelona.  But you have to be here for that one. 

Just stay tuned ....

Yea you're right man ..... i jus took things wrong, because i like her soooo much. She seems to be a little different. Of course i dont know all the girls like alot of you do. Sorry i acted lik that. Accept my apologies plz.

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Sure no worries.

And by the way - I do not get RLC on this one with Fidel.  Allowing this nut job to stay here is crazy.  But in a month or so all new blood will here so I am sure it will be forgotten.  Seems it always is when there are a few bad weeks followed by good one.  They can't all be good.  This did have some potential though - if they just got rid of him.

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Sure no worries.

And by the way - I do not get RLC on this one with Fidel.  Allowing this nut job to stay here is crazy.  But in a month or so all new blood will here so I am sure it will be forgotten.  Seems it always is when there are a few bad weeks followed by good one.  They can't all be good.  This did have some potential though - if they just got rid of him.

Yea you're right man.

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I been watching KK apartment tonight. i think one of them and her boyfriend hid from us to have sex. These are voyeur homes. This means these people accept terms that say people are allowed to view their lives 24 hrs. a day. It jus pisses me off when the people go to little places, and hide to have sex. That's not right. If they don't wan't to be seen having sex, then they shouldn't sign on to be in one of these apartments. That's not right anyway you look at it. It's cheating the viewers. That pisses me off more than any one thing on here.# Hopefully if they had sex -- she showered good, because there are some things even bleach won't get out .... if you know what i mean.

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Poor K.... i feel sorry for you also. You're a beautiful, great girl. Any day.... probably by tomorrow i will know excatly what most of these residents are saying when they speak. My software is on it's way that translates one language to English. It's a cool thing....i know a few people who have it.

Great Joejo,counting on you to finaly gives us lots of actual News and info of all the conversations,discutions,all heheh.

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Great Joejo,counting on you to finaly gives us lots of actual News and info of all the conversations,discutions,all heheh.

I will do my best. You still have to figure out exactly how they mean the things they say.

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Really unfair if Elisa goes..so boring vicka suposed have an three month contract and Elisa only one!?Well if Elisa goes than ZERO reasons to watch this already bored apartment.

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Im still hoping that Elisa isnt leaving. The main thing is --- she has done no packing, or getting ready to leave. She may not have alot to pack, but i guess i jus have wishful thinking.

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