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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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4 hours ago, Thestarider said:

Right now there are four 17 to 19 year old girls with my son and his friend in the pool playing in my backyard, there are two girls on the shoulders of the boy and the other two girls are laying on towels, Less than five minutes ago i watched as the girl on my sons shoulders reached over to knock the girl off his friends shoulder, but couldn't do it after several tries, she motioned the girl laying on the towel to come help her, and soon all four girls were trying to knock the girls off the boys shoulders, both boys are football players and big guys, so the girls were having no luck, so then the girl on my sons shoulder  grabbed the top of the other girl and pulled it off, and so the girl did the same thing. nice young perky little titties. 

This is what you want to see on RLC and calling not it real life. Interesting when really think about it.  But the fact remains this just happened in my backyard and was not faked in any way, just a bunch of high school kids acting like high school kids.

The woman of RLC are not high school kids, and I for one do not shell out 540 bucks a year to see such childish behavior, as I have been a member of RLC for nearly four years now without a lapse, and remember when the project was all about real life in front of a camera and not what ILONA turned the Barcelona apartment into. She had to have been a fan of Voyeur View and that is what she thought the apartment should be like especially since she is 28 years old. 

About a year ago that all changed and  has had some influences on a few of the other apartments such as the exhibitionism shows for the camera that we see now. That stuff never happened prior to that, and that is when it was no longer a project, but a corporate entity all about for profit, and that is when the CC board changed as well. 

There still are some of the old apartments, but now most of you bitch that they are boring because they are real life in front of the camera, which was the concept of RLC. 


Well the day rlc become just girls on bed on computer..or that stays all days without doing absoluty nothing..just an boring thing..i would quit of..simple as that.Others do the exactly oposite and others the same..not everyone have the same tastes..

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4 hours ago, Benfold said:

I too didn't like the way Adele treated Aida, until I learned that they knew each other from Ukraine and had personal issues outside the apartment. It was not that Adele was just being a bitch, she had a genuine grievance with Aida

But how can you have 100% sure of that?What it counts its whats its seen in rlc cams,and in them Adele was a lot lot mean to Aida than vice verça..but thats past.

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3 hours ago, Nick said:

well you right but Rita and Vika I didn't see any sexual acts , you can watch the same person naked over and over again doing nothing it's get so booooring , by the way I seen Rita ones only she bate if I didn't look closer I woulden know she was doing LOL 

Indeed agree with nick..most of people are voyeurs..more or less..but its an human thing..hard to see as an voyeur can have pleasure to see or watch an girl like Rita thats just doesnt do anything to apealing voyeurism..now if you talk about Irma thats another story..she totaly fits it..but again..there are a lot of voyeur types..that like to watch diferent things..but by the definition you put..right away Rita its Out..

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Yea i liked Adele in that she was nice looking and was pretty sexy, and funny as shit sometimes with her little games. She tried to control Danaya tho, and didnt want Aida to be paying so much attention to Danaya at times. She would interrupt when they tried to talk, etc., stuff like that, but at the end she started being nicer to Aida. Aida was a doll, beautiful, but very immature at times. She pretty much refused to show herself which is fine, but i jus dont think she fit in for a project like RLC. If she and Adele had past problems i have no clue..... seems like they might have. So far ive liked all the girls in their own ways, but to me Elisa has been the best, then Rita, and Irma so far is smoking hot, with a perfect personality, sooooo fun, and jus almost perfect all around. # Just my opinions tho.

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3 hours ago, Nick said:

don't they have library in barcelona or she can go living room or balcony , or laundry room she hides hours and hours in laundry room whenever she wants why not study there 

Man Irma cant even listen her músic that boring Rita comes to complain!?Other day Vika also complain to Irma about something..man this two girls are boring as hell as dont let the only funny girl in the house to relax..

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2 hours ago, canito said:

remember rita studies alot and she usually studies in the house in her room or on the kitchen table.everyone has to respect the other person boundaries i guarantee rita didnt say it in a disrespectful manner or a rude manner rita is not that type of person.but irma didnt have to shut it off all she had to do was lower the volume.if she turned it off it was her decision and she only did it to respect rita wishes.i dont think they will have any problems as long as they respect eachother.

Canito dont be made bro..but were in the hell its Rita!?Isnt she in an rlc apartment in Barcelona?Irma as zero guilt that an girls uses the houses to free staying and studies..and Irma its here to work..for rlc.

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Im glad i never had anyone to make a move on my gir Elisa -- wouldn't have mattered -- that kitty was all mine -- even the banana didnt satisfy her. I had to be gone that night -- so sorry for her.

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6 minutes ago, DES7469 said:

Your in trouble now.. Irma told me she's telling Rita about you bothering her. avatar-femme-259.jpg:biggrin:

If I go down,,I'm taking all of you other perverted man-whores with me,,,snitches get stitches,,,,,but like I've said countless times before,,,once I give my Baby Rita some of this dick,,all will be forgiven,,and she will fall asleep with a huge smile on her face,,,and after she falls asleep then I'll go put Irma my girlfriend to sleep the exact same way too.::)::):biggrin::heart::heart:



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