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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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4 minutes ago, Yury said:

I think the apartment is far from the beach. One day (in the first few days in Barcelona) girls asked Elisa, where she was. Elisa said she was walking on foot through the city and reached the beach. The girls were very surprised that she was not afraid to go so far alone on foot.
Also Danaya and Adel said, that the apartment is located quite far from the subway. In the clubs they had to ride the subway or taxi.
Once, one of the guys give a lift Danaya to home and she was laughing, that he praised their district, although it is far away (they were driving quite a long time).
I think their apartment located far from the beach, well away from the metro station, most likely closer to the edge of Barcelona in the budget district.

It's located VERY close to the beach like Yury jus said. Takes very little time to get there i promise you.

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4 minutes ago, Dreamer24 said:

It's located VERY close to the beach like Yury jus said. Takes very little time to get there i promise you.

I wrote what I heard from the girls. If you have an arguments (not a promise) in favor of his claim, I would like it hear them. :shy:

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2 hours ago, longarm101 said:

I watched Rita when she was rooming with K & K, and I must say I wasnt impressed with then, and I'm less impressed with her now. I agree she is quite pretty and since moving to the Barca apartment has gotten more free with the nudity (something that was rare when she was with K & K). I just feel like where ever she seems to be she has a negative effect on anyone she rooms with. She could be the next mother theresa for all I know but I have always felt she presents herself as rather conceited and better than those she is rooming with...I know I will catch hell for this post but its just an opinion.


Stated respectfully without any name calling. Nothing wrong with that.

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4 minutes ago, toolmaker123 said:

They can walk to the beach; they live very close to a market square to get food, fruits and veges, too

I think, get food in Barcelona is not a problem and far away from the market square. By the way: they buy products in the supermarket. :shy:

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1 hour ago, ze81 said:

45 a monthy its too much..if you sign three months its 99..still expensive but still cheaper.Gess depends the people,some prefer to pay more but if in the end of the month they dont liking something they dont renew..and do it later..

I just did the 3 months. I was thinking about doing that. Cancel then a week later sign back up. 

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1 hour ago, Dreamer24 said:

I can afford the $45 a month but not 99 at one time.

For 45 bucks I wish I could live in your country, with tax and all this shit for a premium membership cost me 79,99$ for a month at first I was disappointed, I mean let's face it, it is not Brazzers here or anything like that. But it took some times and I was able to see some great magical things.. of course I've missed all the massage sessions but that was because of my timezone and my own time, the sad part of this it's im becoming a freeloader, who knows maybe in my new life and new town I'll find a chick who will love to do me some body painting.. I mean come on Irma is not the only one in the planet who likes to do that!

By the way 45 bucks we were talking about the premium membership right or the standard membership?

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