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Barcelona Apt. #1 - General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos (2016)

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6 minutes ago, kase said:

anna you must look after belle for i do not trust polya after one night as the girls were out they must be a reason that not stella and polya not speak together 

I think she will especially if last night is anything to go by. It's doubtful we will ever know what happened on Saturday night between Stella and Polya but the harmony between Anna, Belle and Stella is great whereas it appears to me that Polya does her own thing and uses each of the others whenever and for whatever she needs them for. I would hope that either Anna or Belle can melt the ice between P&S quickly otherwise it will fester and we have Polya for another 19 days if she is going the distance of what appears to be the normal 3 month maximum stay. 

I would normally say that Polya should go sooner rather than later but then as long as she is there, Belle will continue to share Anna's bed which can only be a good thing hopefully ::)

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12 minutes ago, happyman88 said:

Jeg tror hun vil spesielt hvis går kveld er noe å gå etter. Det er tvilsomt vi noensinne vil vite hva som skjedde på lørdag kveld mellom Stella og Polya men harmonien mellom Anna, Belle og Stella er stor, mens det ser ut for meg at Polya gjør sin egen greie og bruker hver av de andre når og for hva hun trenger dem til. Jeg håper at enten Anna eller Belle kan smelte isen mellom P & S raskt ellers vil det fester og vi har Polya for en annen 19 dager hvis hun kommer på avstand av det som synes å være den normale 3 måneder maksimalt opphold. 

Jeg ville normalt si at Polya bør gå før heller enn senere, men så så lenge hun er der, vil Belle fortsette å dele Anna seng som bare kan være en god ting forhåpentligvis ::)

stella and belle & anna have nice together 

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