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Kamila, Kristy & Heidi ~ General Chat Comments, Quotes & Thanks for Pictures & Videos February 2017.

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1 hour ago, Beldonn1 said:

No, I don't think so and quite sure of it. She won't be happy with him and it looked as it wasn't  even planned for  him to take her to the airport.

Thought maybe because of Valentine's Day that he paid for the trip.Trip seemed to not be planned much in advance of departure,sort of short notice before leaving.I thought maybe Dima surprised her with the trip as a Valentine's Day present.

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Absolutely nothing is happening in this apartment today. Kristy is gone, Heidi is sometimes here but alone and she looks lost.

Kami is trying to enjoy herself in the carribean sea ,not so warm anyway , and struggling against the jet lag - when she is up at 14:00 as usual, Moscow time, it is still 5:00 am in the Domincan Republic - where by the way one of the Trump's son is building another business protected by the FBI. 

So Kami is trying to get some sun, some image for herself as a world traveler. But Kami - try to think about it - there is no need to travel from one turistic place to another if it is not for work. Your travels should give you something else, just discover the local people, learn some of the langage, know their history, find out what you are yourself apart from your country and your family background. I want to see on your social photos of you in a bookshop, or talking to the locals or visiting streets  that are not on the travels guide...  You are not just a beautiful image, try to be more deeply attractive.

I put here a russian google translation of this last paragraph :

Так Ками пытается получить некоторое солнце, какой-то образ для себя в качестве мирового путешественника. Но Ками - стараюсь думать об этом - нет необходимости путешествовать из одного Turistic места в другое, если это не для работы. Ваши путешествия должно дать вам что-то еще, просто обнаружить местных жителей, узнать некоторые из языка сайта, знают свою историю, выяснить, что вы себя отдельно от вашей страны и вашей семьи фон. Я хочу видеть на ваших социальных фотографий вас в книжном магазине, или поговорить с местными жителями или посещения улицы, которые не на гида ... Путешествует Вы не просто красивый образ, постарайтесь быть более глубоко привлекательным.

Writing about Yula : this girl has beautiful clear blue eyes the RLC cams don't even give us a hint. So an advice to her : in the batroom, look a long time at the cam which is in the left angle, we wil be able to see how beautiful you are.


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