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DMCA & Removed Content (2013 - 2018)

Guest NL

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That look she gives. And then the quick peck goodbye. If I was on the receiving end in that situation, no if ands or buts about it, I would have had to do something about that before my girl left for the evening -- And it would involve locking the dog in the Guest Room, far far away, for the duration of said doing something  :)

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So woke up about 5.50 (12.50 Leora's clock) to find in her towel. What went on before I don't know but with the shortness of the towel there may of been some epic bending and maybe full nudity. If anyone captured it, please post.

Here's the best of what I got before she all too quickly got dressed - no hair, no make-up, no creaming so maybe that was earlier.

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