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DMCA & Removed Content (2013 - 2018)

Guest NL

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They say "No good deed goes unpunished", at least they have repeatedly in films, but today that was so true. After preparing the 19 previous images, the remnants of that storm which hit the North East US visited and I went out to pick up bins and rubbish for my neighbours. I got my breakfast when I suddenly became aware that Leora's GR was showing on the thumbnails. Surely she had not been out very long but there she was about to get in the shower. Had she been naked in the GR or even worse yaken advantage of Paul's absence to give herself quick relief, I have no idea, but it was a very short shower the kind she norml has after bating. So short that I was on the back foot for several minutes and almost none of what follows was captured full screen. Also, despite one of the most fabulous bending positions ever, as you will see from the straight on shots the lighting left a lot to be desired. Show us the pictures, you say. OK!

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Does anybody know whether Scooter's ever found Narnia in that wardrobe? She's always going in there looking for something new. I can't bring you an action picture just now with all the sleeping going on, but here are 4 Scooters.


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