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DMCA & Removed Content (2013 - 2018)

Guest NL

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Leora was all set to begin masturbating. She had already put on a bra, panties, jewelry and T-shirt on in preparation to go ice skating, but got heated up while sitting on the couch looking at her cell phone. So, as she's done before, she went into the bathroom to get undressed again and go naked into the guest room to get down to business. Well, that plan went awry when Paul came home while she was getting undressed in the bathroom (I shortened the time she was in there). She came out of the bathroom naked, but Paul's presence prevented her from getting back to what she really wanted to do. Masturbation interruptus.

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Paul must be feeling some pressure. He appears to be reading/studying some music and practicing a little guitar. The first thing he should have printed off and read was instructions on how to tune the damn thing. Or directions to a music shop to have it looked at by a pro.

And to help make amends for posting a Paul-only picture, here's a screen grab from 2015-07-23:

You can also just scroll up a little bit on this page to help set your mind at ease  :)

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Yesterday's nudity and so nearly the epic shot I was looking for. I didn't have full screen and had just switched from another cam plus theis happened so quickly it's a video still rather than a direct capture. So close ... still good though.

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After around 20 pantyless hours she's finally got some see-thru red knickers on and covered herself with clothes which is just as well as it's cold at there - even near me there's snow. Here is the first set this morning. Pay attention to some spanking marks:

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