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Everything posted by jetlag8

  1. I think they were asked to leave because of all the fighting between them, they did leave suddenly with no sign of getting ready to move. I doubt they will be back as a couple, but it would be nice to see Ary back on her own or with a female room mate.
  2. Oh great Leora got a new phone, now she will be spending even more time on the phone.
  3. Why are you so sure it was drugs, their has never been any evidence that Malia does drugs, for all we know it could be something Christmas related that she did not want Leora to know about. I think it's wrong to accuse Malia of bringing drugs into the apartment when it's just speculation.
  4. I agree the situation between Leora and Paul is complex. It's just my opinion but the only reason loverboy is still in the picture is because Leora has a use for him, but does not want to be committed to him. I also believe one reason Leora talks to Paul so often is so she is always on his mind, you can't forget about someone you talk to on a daily basis. I have never thought the door between Leora and Paul was closed.
  5. When I said they should walk away I meant Ary should do that well before the argument gets heated, They can talk about the problem once they have both calmed down. If these two are getting into physical altercations with each other on a regular basis, then it's clear they should not be together. I don't believe people who really love each other abuse each other.
  6. Any intelligent man should should know you don't hit a woman under any circumstances. If Ary gets angry George needs to turn and walk away, not stand there and hit his wife, only a coward does that. George needs to man up and deescalate the situation, not want to fight his wife.
  7. I don't believe self defense for Ary is the answer, violence never solved anything. Their relationship is toxic and George has anger issues that turn violent when he gets angry. It's clear to me those two should not be together, and if Ary tries some self defense moves that could just escalate the violence and she could get hurt. The better solution when things get heated is just turn and walk away and leave the apartment, you can't argue when your the only one there. the best thing for them both is to separate and Ary should live on her own, for her own safety.
  8. No I did not know Malia touched Leora first, as I did not see it when it was happening. I agree Malia has always liked touching Leora's body, and I also agree Leora is taking charge these days, and I don't think Leora will hold back if she decides to raise the bar and go further. We all know Leora is not shy about anything sexual.
  9. It's just my opinion but I think things may have gone further sooner between them, but Malia strikes me as being on the shy side, so for her to buy a sex toy and use it I think is a big step forward for her. I don't think it will be long before Malia feels comfortable using one on Leora, and I think Malia has wanted more from Leora for awhile now, but just to shy to say anything. I hope tonight was the ice breaker shall we say, and even more interesting things will follow.
  10. It is true, it could also go back, I prefer to think of forward progress for them both. I am just sorry I missed it tonight.
  11. I think it's really hard to say what will happen at this point, a month ago I would have said we will never see Malia use a dildo or mutual dildo bating, so now that they have touched each other with a dildo, who can say where it will lead. If what they did to each other tonight made them both feel really good, I see no reason why it won't happen again and possibly go a step further next time.
  12. That's good to hear, I hope they start getting more creative with the toys and perhaps soon there will be penetration of each other, especially if they both really enjoyed it...😃
  13. Just looked at the thumbs, and it looked like they did use a dildo on each other, if that's true is would be the first time I believe.
  14. Thanks for the info HM, I did not know that about Anni. Even if Ary and George are married, she should still leave as George's anger turns to violence towards Ary, and one day she will really get hurt, and she does not deserve that, no women does.
  15. I hope so too, It would be nice if VHTV gave Ary her own apartment, and maybe Sally could move in with her. I am afraid we will not see them again as their names have been removed from the list of participants for a few days now.
  16. For two days now Ary and George names are not listed as participants on VHTV, or are they listed on Cam Caps. I am beginning to think that apartment has been closed, if they were just offline it usually says that.
  17. Just a question slipper, do you know who is visiting for the holidays, I thought travel restrictions were still in place.
  18. It would be so nice to see her on her own where she is safe and away from that abusive lunatic. I noticed Ary and George names are not listed as participants right now.
  19. He would be if she called police, I would love to see Ary leave George and get her own apartment on vhtv.
  20. When you think about how much time and money she spends at the hair salon, I think she should seriously consider spending the same amount of time and money on counseling.
  21. What might happen one day to put an end to all of this, is the truth comes out about what she does for a living or why he can never come to her apartment. There is so much deceit in their so called relationship and you can only hide that for so long before he finds out something he is not supposed to know, and that could be the end of it all.
  22. It's true they are both a glutton for punishment, I really think she is just flogging a dead horse.
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