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Everything posted by jetlag8

  1. Now that the weekend is here it will be interesting to see if the dude shows up for the third weekend in a row.
  2. The hilights and colouring both Leora and Malia have done look very nice on both of them. It is a big improvement over the braids they did to their hair a couple of weeks ago.
  3. Leora spent an hour making herself look beautiful before she left the apartment, only to return half an hour later to change clothes to something a bit more casual.
  4. That's a good question, Imo considering how fussy she was about her appearance, I would say she has a date.
  5. I agree Malia has friends and a life outside the apartment. I believe she left the apartment so late last night is because the guy spends his time devoted to Leora and maybe Malia felt like the third wheel, so she went to spent time with someone she has met.
  6. I am sure the only reason this guy is back so soon is because he got to give Leora a neck rub last time, and maybe he was hoping for something more this time. Its obvious he is attracted to Leora and he ignores Malia, but I don't think he has figured out that she is not interested in him that way. I think the reason Malia went out is because she felt left out. Because Leora was alone with him and she went to bed and closed the bedroom door, that probably indicates she only considers him a friend.
  7. I might comment on your post, but I can't read it. I wish the mods would put back the translation button.
  8. A very interesting post esanders, and I have two thoughts about Leora and the guy Friday night. The first thought was Leora and Malia are both adults and if Leora wanted the guy to spend the night with her she could have said something to Malia. I am sure Leora knew Malia was going to be out all night Saturday, and she could have asked him to stay one more night where she would be alone with him, but she did not do that. My second thought was Russian women are more open to nudity than American women, and Leora never gave it a thought just wearing a T-shirt and panties. I think if she really wanted him, she would have had him.
  9. I don't think he is a traveler because of covid travel restrictions. I don't where he could travel to without being put in quarantine for two weeks.
  10. Everytime he is there he makes a point of sitting close to Leora, I think he has been interested in her for along time, I can also understand why Paul did not like him.
  11. I don't care for him either. I think he is only there to be close to Leora. I have noticed every time he comes he always sits close to her and often looking at her.
  12. I don't understand why Leora would let this traveler in her apartment, you can't travel and keep physical distance from people. With covid 19 still around I think Leora is crazy to allow the wondering freeloader in her home at this time, or anytime for that matter.
  13. Yes it was, I did not think I would see Leora bate Malia at the same time as bating herself again. I just wish when the Ladies are together like that Leora would bring out one of her sex toys for Malia to use on her.
  14. Thank you Pulo for posting that picture, I have never seen it before.
  15. I also thought it strange that Malia would leave around 1; am after being away for two nights. I noticed Leora and Malia seemed to be avoiding each other and staying in their own rooms most of the time. I also hope everything is alright between the two of them.
  16. It looks like you are right Nicholas, If it is true they should not be in the same apartment. This brings a thought to my mind, does RLC have a plan in place if a participant gets covid 19. It would be a serious problem if a participant in a gov apartment caught the virus.
  17. If it's true about Malia having covid-19, we should not be seeing her for 2 weeks, she should not be in the same apartment as Leora.
  18. I can only hope that both Ladies have gone to a doctor or for a covid-19 test, instead of being out with friends where they could make other people sick.
  19. It may be that Malia is out so long to avoid Leora's cold. I think Leora should have stayed home so she does not pass it on to other people.
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