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Everything posted by Le5b0

  1. Well! Everything falls into place now. I think this was a planned visit by DE. Kira new she was going away for a night, and Nina asked her permission to have DE over for the evening. In my humble opinion THAT is why Kira has been so sad the last couple of days. She was upset and concerned about this visit, which is why N&K have been so "off" with each other. Also why they had the heart-to-heart discussion in the bathtub. So why was she concerned, I hear nobody ask? 1. Is it because she has little faith or trust in Nina to be able to keep her hands off DE? 2. Is it because she has no faith or trust that DE is not going to keep her hands off NIna? 3. Is it because she is going away and missing an opportunity to have some real fun for a change. Bearing in mind she has not been getting a lot lately??? Well maybe we will never know. The thing is they are all much older and wiser, they are much more mature and therefore should be more secure in their relationships by now. As I was once told, everyone deserves a second chance. So maybe this is it. I for once am staying strictly neutral on this. It has nothing to do with me. it's their business not ours. Nuff said!
  2. Yep! You're right! Maybe reading too much into it. Like you say, no real animosity is visible in their actions, I just hate to see her so sad. I'll try to be more positive in future. Not the wrong time of the month, that was a week ago. Agreed, problems with most couples who live together continuously pop up, and then get resolved. Thanks for my pep talk. Much needed.
  3. As for Nina's Wedding ring? She was wearing it on the night of the 06/May/2020, as it can clearly be seen on the first of Kjeld's videos of that night, a few pages back. So whatever happened for her to take it off is fairly recent, and quite worrying as far as I'm concerned? Also if they've kissed and made up, as can clearly be seen here, why is she still not wearing it? 😔 kissing and making up.mp4
  4. So all seems sweetness and light at the moment, watching a film in the kitchen together.
  5. Bravo to you sir. A beautiful bit of editing, truly magnificent. Well done. 👏
  6. And Yet! At 17:00 in the bedroom, I noticed Kira stroking Nina's hand and there's no Wedding ring. When and Why has she taken it off? What on earth is going on? A little heart to heart chat. Then a few minutes later, Kira is crying her eyes out. Looks like she is breaking her heart yet again. So So Sad 😢 I wish they could sort out their problems once and for all.
  7. Well! This looks like a girl who is not happy with her missus. You can see in the lounge she looks pissed off! Then she storms through the kitchen, picks up her phone, switching of the lights and walking smartly out. Not a word was exchanged between them. Lockdown taking it's toll perhaps??? Kira not happy.mp4
  8. I'm sure someone will ask her presently, just for you...😄
  9. The cat has been listening to Trump too much, perhaps tried injecting itself with bleach 😁
  10. Dammit! I really feel for this girl. She works so damn hard at times. I know she does it out of LOVE, but really Nina needs to help her out a bit more. So sad... 😟
  11. Sometimes it seems that Russia is not taking Covid -19 as serious as the rest of the world. Time will tell if they are right or wrong??? Somehow the published figures don't add up, considering the size of their population. Or maybe it is the Vodka?...
  12. Absolutely! I suspect they do not mind too much because it's all good promotion. They don't have to spend much on marketing because we do it all for them!!! Once people start to watch the free stuff, they soon get hooked. Then they just HAVE to join in. IMHO.
  13. A little bit longer version but poorer quality. NandK May Longer session.mp4
  14. AHH! Wrong bit of video. How about this bit??? NandK May morning closer.mp4
  15. ERR! Your wish has been granted. It was today around 04.15 am their time. Marathon session from Kira on Nina again. Gosh! that girl has stamina. It's no wonder she has trouble with her neck, the way she has to distort her body to get down there. Fair play to her, NOTHING puts her off... 😁🥰 NandK May morning session.mp4
  16. Nina, and don't be fooled by her singing in the apartment. This girl can REALLY belt out a good song when she needs to. She's amazing on stage. 🥰 Nobody is performing in public anywhere right now...
  17. One of the cats bringing Mummies Breakfast. AWWW! that's nice??? 😁 Mummies breakfast.mp4
  18. Ahh! The Rock, Heavy Rock, and Prog Rock debate. "It's all rock and roll and I like it", cannot remember who wrote that??? Anyway to further brighten up you day. This took an awful lot of editing (no sound, sorry) lots of Buffering, dropouts and freezes. Took out most of them to make it watchable. Enjoy! Taking a long time to upload, so may take a long time to play... Bed_fun_3_may.mp4
  19. It's simply because she is a TEASE! She loves to do it, has done for as long as I can remember. I think, that she likes to think she can control Kira in some small measure, but once she gives up, and literally lets Kira in, then she knows it's "Game Over". She has to submit and then it's a marathon session that will leave her totally wasted... Just my Humble Opinion, so don't pillory me for it. But you did ask the question... Anyway, it was great fun watching them being playful, it does not always have to end in full blown sex. I loved it. 🥰🥰🥰
  20. AWW! 😍 Time for me to join them in dreamland. Nite nite.
  21. OOooops! stuck my foot in it again. Oh when will I ever learn??? Not BLAMING the good ole US of A, it's a fact that the biggest internet users are over that side of the pond. Canada, Mexico and South America are all on the same time zone, and that is a HUGE population to service. As for our GODESS sleeping, been watching her sleeping alone for some time, Nina in the bathroom with her little laptop for over half an hour. Out of sight but in there, wonder what she's up to? 😁
  22. I'm always having trouble, the girls won't let me get into them... 😁
  23. How Much??? Crikey! Surely it is still under guarantee/warranty. She needs to take it back to where she bought it from. Providing she hasn't broken any seal that voids the warranty, she should get it repaired or replaced FOC.
  24. Same as some of you others, lots of probs with the feed, even replay refuses to work at times. It does get a little better once the USA starts to go to bed. My best guess is it's the sheer volume of internet traffic at the moment. With so many in the world on lockdown, the main outlet to view the rest of the world is via the internet. Whether working from home for so many people for such long hours. Also lots more having to use video links (Skype, Zoom etc), to keep in touch with family and friends. This all adds up to increased, and different, bandwith usage all over the globe. I guess it will take time for the infrastructure to catch up and balance that different useage? Just my two penny worth!
  25. Yeah I know! It's not a case of having nothing to hide. But one day, should they become a victim of ransomeware, or something similar, maybe they'll reflect on all the warnings they were given. I give up on this subject. I now consider it closed...
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