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Everything posted by Le5b0

  1. Totally right, time for me to crawl back into my box and take my nerdiness with me. My little comfort blanket!!! 🤣🤣🤣
  2. Pure Joy! Kira is having so much FUN...
  3. OMG! That was an awesome show of dominance... It looks like they are begining to understand that in photography, "it's all about the light" and they seem to be getting pretty good at it. I know I'm a nerd, but angling the wall spot lights to reflect the light back across the bed is ideal. Way to go girls. That smile says it all.
  4. This is sad, I thought she had given up on this. 🙁
  5. This is just so SAD. Yes they were terribly Naive at first, but gradually came around to living their lives with the constant gaze of the cams watching everything. I for one think that must be incredibly hard for most people. Maybe, they were mis-informed about how much EFFORT you have to put it when taking on something like this. No one can just sit back and do nothing and expect to have tons of money rolling in. As mentioned above, the apartment was too large and the cameras were too wide angle, which meant poor quality video. If you are paying money to subscribe, then you want value for that money, or you spend it somewhere else. It is as simple as that. Farewell and good luck to them both. I will miss them...
  6. Yeah! Mine too, trucks and buses most of his (very hard) life. I now have an automatic car and a manual gearbox Motorhome. Swapping between the two is a problem sometimes, as I forget to change down in the Motorhome when I stop at the lights. Trying to pull away in top gear is er! Interesting! at times...
  7. Oh Sturm! That sticker is Brilliant! 🤣 Mind you It would probably not work here in the UK. To get a proper Driving Licence here you MUST use a manual gearbox (Stick shift). Sure, you can get an auto only licence, but I doubt there is that many that do so, as you would have to take another driving test if you ever wanted to drive a manual vehicle. So you are permanently restricted to auto boxes. Not really worth it. Go on, try us on the extra mods!!! Not everyone on here is an absolute moron... Some of us even grew up having to service and fix our own cars/vans because Garage services where prohibitively expensive. So a lot of Brits actually KNOW what it underneath the bonnet (Hood) of a car/truck. 490 horses under the hood. Gosh! I bet they take some feeding...😁
  8. Yep! Valentines day is definitely Celebrated in the UK. 🥰 Me and the missus are out that night with friends, dinner and a show with local semi-professional bands performing. Should be good, and we like to support rising talent anyway. Though I do draw the line at buying Red Roses at this time, the price rockets about four fold. Yeah! I know! Mean and miserable, that's me...😁
  9. Ther is a lot of stuff that they had at the RLC apt that is nowhere to be seen. One thing of note is the uplighter lamp that they put in the Lounge when their ceiling lights failed. Now if they could get hold of that, and then put it in the bedroom by cam 7, that would make an enormous difference to the poor lighting situation in there. Much higher quality on the video stream at night.😁 Just saying...
  10. Well observed Sturm, yes it was the injuries that I was focusing on too. Maybe, I know its a long shot for Nina, but maybe she has been playing some kind of SPORT? Maybe ice hockey, because that can get very brutal at times, and you do spend a lot of time crashing down on to your knees. And yes it hurts.
  11. Wow! Thanks for the above videos. What a difference to how Rossy was when she first arrived. Shy of the cameras, rarely being naked and rushing to get covered up and dressed as soon as possible... Now she is so much more at ease, effectively ignoring the cams yet not deliberately showing off. She is now so much more natural and she needs to be applauded for that. Bravo!🥰
  12. I know it's crass, but, What do you expect from our two favourite pussies... 😁 As for the Convector heater, well it must be cold in St P right now and these things do heat a room very quickly. The problem is the amount of power/energy they use. They literally guzzle electricity, best used only when absolutely necessary.
  13. Thanks Ash for letting us know about this sad event. As you have said "one of the greatest drummers whoever lived". RIP Neil!
  14. 50! Wait till you get to my age, them there moments turn into bloody hours... 🤣
  15. YEEEUCH!! What a waste of Champagne. It's almost criminal to do that... Mind you, if it's Cava or Prosecco or even Cremant de Loire, then that's fair game. Personally I prefer Blanquette de Limoux (Jean Babou in particular), much, much better and been around as long as wine from the Champagne region anyway.
  16. As I see it. The reason they live in these apartments with the cameras is because it gives them a better quality of life. Living with the cameras is the price they have to pay to subsidise the luxury of these apartments. They are not rent-free via VH, they still have to pay. Which is why they need the external income. Normal state controlled apartments in most Russian/Eastern block countries are tiny in comparison I am told. As in most countries around the world, wages are low, yet prices are high. It's a balancing act that most of us have to perform every month. Outgoings versus Income. Anything that gives us an edge is most welcome. It's just a matter of "are we willing to pay that particular price" for that item.
  17. Thanks to hs6127 for the above videos. It's great to see them just having so much FUN together. My Sub ran out the other day, and with only the one month renewal option, I am a little wary of doing it right now. Not sure what the situation is. Is VH struggling, and trying to maximise income from the punters, offering no discounts at all would do that, yet it seems strange. lately they have embarked on a huge expansion scheme it seems, and that obviously costs a lot of money. I do not know what it was like before, because I only came over from RLC to follow N&K, and now these two. So I have no idea as to what went on before. A few more days perhaps before I make my decision, and I do not have much spare time to watch right now anyway. Meanwhile, thanks to all who post anything. If I do renew I will get my video uploads sorted out so I can return the favour in the future.
  18. Yeah! Me too, this is how sad I am in that I checked first before taking the snapshot. Oh dear must get out more...☹️
  19. Looks a pretty easy flight to me. Though we don't know how busy her schedule was before it. Not that I'm defending her, we all know how much she LOVES her bed.
  20. There is so much genuine love and affection for each other, they are a joy to watch.
  21. Hampshire! An I be no Lass! Although a "Big girls blouse", occassionally. 😁 Also spent many years in Torbay. One of my Favourite hangouts was The Cider Bar in Newton Abbott... Grockles only served half pints of the Scrumpy, coz they couldn't handle a full pint. Oh happy days!...
  22. Eee bah gum lad, I ain't eard that for a long time, not since I left Barnsley...
  23. Sienna gets some loving from Rossy around 06:30 to 07:10 their time, nice. Just in case anyone wants to have a peek.
  24. Great to see them back. Everything looks sharper, fewer dropouts on the video. I suspect they have changed/upgraded the router or phone line, which is why they went offline. They both seem much more relaxed now, more open with each other and the cams. Angel had one serious Camera in her hands earlier, also looked professional in handling it, go girl. They had a bath together earlier, much better, touchy-feely and showing a little affection towards each other. Baby steps! Patience folks, I think they are going to be fine. Tried a few times to upload a little video, but keeps failing, oh well, I tried.
  25. Well that depends on what you mean by OKAY? If you mean, are we able to have a reasoned intelligent conversation about medical issues, then YES, we're fine. IF you mean, are we SANE, then probably NO. That's why we hang out here so often with everyone else. I mean how insane is this after all... 😁🙄😜
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