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Everything posted by Le5b0

  1. Hi, it's actually tucked to the left of the red box, in the corner just behind the bedroom door. Meanwhile Earlier! Nina " You can Kiss My Arse if you want me to get up" Kira "Challenge accepted". 😁 Kiss my Arse.mp4
  2. Oh dear! Well I keep trying... Kira is having to wear a mask again to try and get some sleep. I know some people think I have a downer on Nina but sometimes she is not as considerate to her missus as she ought to be. They have a living room and a workroom where she could go, and one of them even has a bed she could lay on. Whilst Nina can sleep soundly anywhere/anytime, Kira struggles to get proper, deep sleep, unless it's in a darkened room. I just think it's a shame, that's all. πŸ™
  3. Oh PS! I'm not on any commission from Amazon or anyone else for that matter. So the Russian equivalent is probably their best bet. Jeff Bezos already has enough money... To illustrate my point see pic below from This morning.
  4. It always will if she insists on slouching so much. Balancing the laptop on her belly with her chin almost on her chest is not good for a body. I still think a folding bed tray is the way to go for them. So damn useful in so many ways. I know coz I'm being so lazy lately, even I'm spending too much time in bed on a tablet playing stupid games...πŸ˜… It encourages you to at least sit up in bed with your back straight. Pic of the one I use, (from Amazon) but others are available. Fully adjustable and folds flat for storage either at the side of, or under the bed. They could also use it to sit the laptop at the bottom of the bed when watching movies etcetera. Kira could even use it as tray to bring in the breakfast without fear of dropping anything, though I will recommend a non-slip mat on it.
  5. What? Only one DAY! Was he that bad? 😁
  6. Of more concern is their neighbours having a problem with them! When Nina starts to scream then I guess most of the neighbours hear it. 😁 I guess they KNOW it's not a ghost then 🀣
  7. Same hear, No not misspelt. Almost certainly something from above. Probably someone sitting on a chair and pushing it back across the floor just before they get up off it? You get used to this sort of thing when living in apartment blocks... Creepy Sounds.mp4
  8. WoW!!! Now that would be an honour for her. Not sure how you would be though? Something tells me you are not a good passenger, and you would be stamping your foot on an imaginary brake pedal every few seconds..πŸ˜… After 100 miles you'd be a nervous wreck, hopefully just you and not RedJenn...🀣 I think (not often, coz it hurts) that Kira is averse to the light coming in from the window, by tucking herself up into the corner, she avoids most of it. In the old apartment she used to wear an eye mask at times when she was sleeping. So that's one possibility.
  9. A pic of Kira this morning at her PC. Wearing a big thick dressing gown and bootie slippers in summer makes me think this apartment is cold
  10. Errr! Sorry! But "Privates" in an apartment full of video cameras she chose to install, is something of a misnomer! But Damn! You have to admire the view. 😁πŸ₯°πŸ₯°πŸ₯°
  11. I thought that too! Looking very much like Madonna in her "Papa don't preach" days? If you want to see what I mean
  12. I am always interested in good information. last word on the matter, there is something very satisfying in having a GPMG at full chat, with a 1 in 5 tracer round, a wonderful sight to behold. Providing of course, I was the one pulling the trigger. πŸ™‚ Emptying a mag box with the joint clips flying out the side was very satisfying... As for the "Lightning Bolts", they could be a throwback from David Bowie as Ziggy Stardust and his iconic makeup on Aladdin Sane period. It would not surprise me to find out that there were tribute concerts to him in Russia after he died in 2016. Nina may have even taken part in one, hence the I.D tags hanging from them. But that's just a guess, someone could ask Nina if they think it's important enough. As for railing against the russian state. That my friend is a dangerous game that they play. The present regime can be ruthless if it thinks someone is getting too active, and they are notorious for playing the long game, gathering intelligence for use further down the line. Though I think they are smart enough not to push it too far. Thanks for posting the above pics. A delightful moment of sheer joy. Sometimes it's the little things that matter the most. A little video of Nina discovering the TV swivels. The Birds annoyed her whilst she was playing a game, which meant she noticed some clear tape on it, so presumably it's a new TV. Now turned to a better angle so she can watch laying down. Anyway folks, lets try and stay on topics about the girls from now eh???? The TV swivels.mp4
  13. Crikey! I go and play with some new toys for a few hours, and so much has happened on here! Never thought a trivial rug remark could be so controversial? Fred and Wilma Flintstone? Nor a Dishwasher? (would not be without mine, like anything, don't knock it till you've tried it). Everything getting a tad out of order. πŸ˜‚ It's wonderful. Perhaps if Nina did some washing up (controversial mode on) then Kira would not get such rough hands? Now that is going to get me another black mark from Nina, another one to the 100's I already have... πŸ˜‰ So once Kira has rubbed lots of hand cream on, she could always pay me a visit. AHHH, dreams eh? 😁
  14. Ere! What's wrong with a Union Jack rug??? I personally think it's brilliant!😝 A nice sophisticated touch 🀣 No seriously! I think I've heard it said before they would LOVE to visit London. Why ANYONE would, is beyond me?.. Much better towns, cities and friendly villages elsewhwere in the UK. Damn! Sounding like a travel agent again. Anyway they have done a really good job of tidying away the cables, nick-nacks and souvenirs and it's all becoming a much better place to live in. They just needed a bit of time. It must have been a tiring and stressful few weeks for them. Bravo girls, you're winning.
  15. Awww! C'mon folks give them a break! They chose the apartment, it's good enough for them and as we can see, they are perfectly happy there. Camera positions will always be contentious, that will never change, but I'm sure they do their best. As for staying there. Almost certainly on a 6 month lease/contract, so they're unlikely to move anytime soon. Though they could get everything settled down and move someone else into the apartment. Though that is mere conjecture. Let's all just settle down and enjoy what they give us. Because as we've all just witnessed, we do really miss them when they are not on VH πŸ˜ƒ
  16. AHH! My trusty old genuine Swiss Army Knife, over 40 years old and never failed me yet... 2 Knives, wood saw, metal saw, file, bradawl, pull through (needle), bottle opener, can opener, 2 flat screwdrivers, philips screwdriver, tweezers and toothpick and more, all rolled into one. Cannot be beaten. Can't find it right now, it sort of retired when I did, I put it away somewhere for safe keeping. I cannot understand why you would need to seal an ammo box, then have to use a tool to open it, seems counter productive to me. As I recall, we just flipped a clip or two and everything opened in an instant, or is my memory playing tricks on me again???
  17. All the cam cables running across the apartment floors are a bloody trip hazard! Accident waiting to happen. πŸ₯Ί Easily fixed with cable clips or even duct tape as a temp measure. Though of course they know what they're doing and I guess it will be OK in a few days time. 😊 I must admit it is looking brighter in there today, more windows than I first thought there were. Kira's workroom looks fine, and she is tucked away in the corner, so no one can see what she's up to. Though I still think that hallway is strange, yet on the floorplan it looks much smaller. I guess we'll all get used to it in time. The living room is barely useable as far as I can tell. I think the majority of their time will be spent in the bedroom. So as a suggestion girls, get yourselves a couple of folding bed trays to put meals and other stuff on. Cheap enough from IKEA etcetera, better than spilling everything over the bed. Also if they want they can place a laptop on one tray at the bottom of the bed for watching videos/movies. It will also encourage Nina to sit up rather than slouching with a laptop balanced on her belly. This will be much better for her back than all the tape/cream and pills in the world. Cheaper too. Still, as long as they're OK and remain Happy, then great. 😁
  18. And now for something completely different! Bathroom view of Kira Body Moisturising. Damn this girl is so sexy... πŸ₯°πŸ˜ Kira Moisturising so sexy.mp4
  19. Beats me too! Though it may not just be the tape they use as I think it is a 3M product. They never seem to clean the area where they are going to stick it properly. Needs cleaning with isopropyl alcohol, surgical spirit, or even nail varnish remover (Acetone), then left to dry for at least five minutes before attempting to stick anything to it. It's a moot point, because as you say it will not last five minutes if the radiator is switched on. Clamps are the way to go, a good set of Go-pro fixtures would cost very little and be more versatile. As mentioned, a poor quality of apartment. The Location may have been the selling point. Just because it is older, does not mean it is much cheaper. Rents rise everywhere as soon as you start to get towards any city centre. Anyway for those who do not have access, a little (poor quality) video of the bedroom. Damn forgot the sound again, I switch it on for the first cam, but as soon as you switch to another the sound is muted. So I keep forgetting, old age folks, it's sad. Oh and it's my birthday today so even older, not that anyone is reading this... NandK new apt July 2020.mp4
  20. OK! First impression is it looks really down-market. Then again, the rent is probably cheap? Not many windows that I can see, and it's difficult to get my head around the layout of the place. Wierd that the hallway looks to be the biggest room... As long as they get comfortable there, all will be well. Good Luck girls in your new place.
  21. Aww! C'mon guys, a little bit of patience. Let them enjoy their freedom from the camera's gaze a little longer. It won't hurt us one little bit to give them a little more peace. As long as they are HAPPY and OK, that's good enough for me. When they do return it will be to an expectant crowd of admirers and friends. πŸ₯° Stay Safe.
  22. So they have now gone offline/relocation. Somewhere before 16:00 their time. The end of another chapter in their lives. Another one begins. Another new apartment... Thankfully, they are going to allow us to follow them in this next adventure of theirs. Because I for one would be devastated to lose this opportunity. πŸ™‚ Considering how much stuff they have accumulated over the years, it will take a few days to get back online. Good luck girls.
  23. Anyway, on a lighter note. This little snippet from this morning. How this girl can look so georgeous first thing in the morning is incredible. She also had a little smile on her face, I think she was having a nice dream? Nina is so lucky that this Angel chooses to share a bed with her. 😍 Kira waking up.mp4
  24. Oh late to the party again, whilst I was writing this down below, everyone else jumped in. 🀣 I'm not surprised, I think I mentioned a few weeks ago they were researching new apartments. This apartment is quite a distance out from the main city, and I think they would prefer to be closer to the action. As for another VH apartment? Again it would not surprise me to see them leave the project. They have been under scrutiny for a very long time now. It must get quite wearing at times. I am pretty sure that Kira especially, sometimes resents the cameras, and has been known to occasionally hide from them in times of stress. It will be devastating for some on here, but it is inevitable. It may also not be from choice? VH are known to be quite ruthless when it comes to falling viewing figures. Nina and Kira do not play to the cameras as others do (which is why some of us love them so much) but from a sexual content perspective, they are way down the charts. VH at the end of the day are a profit making business. If N and K are not drawing in the subscribers, then they will want to replace them with someone who can, it's just good business. On the plus side, most of what I saw them packing away is stuff that pertains to the band. Costumes, cd's and promotional stuff. So maybe they are passing it on to someone else to look after, or they are just putting it into storage. Time will tell...
  25. This little taster from last night. She is so skilful and it is a joy to behold how gentle she can be. I Love this girl... skilful_Kira.mp4
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