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Slender Man

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Status Updates posted by Slender Man

  1. R.I.P 


    1. Robwin


      Yeah dam shame but then again it's where we all end up sooner or later.

    2. Slender Man

      Slender Man

      True. Nobby Stiles and Sean Connery as well. 

  2. What you prefer Ash. Soft or Hard? 😆



    1. ashleyxyz


      Soft are good for eating. Hard is best for all other purposes


    2. Slender Man
  3. Anyways. How you getting on the day? 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dave 27

      Dave 27

      Hi Ash,did you not once say you planted and grew stuff,as in do you have a garden or even space for growbags or pots.I just thought that could maybe fill in some of your time.We are ordering bedding plants,pots ,baskets online and having them delivered however you may not be interested in that sort of stuff.Just a suggestion Ash.You and Guy keep your chins up and I bet the two of you will come out of this even closer and stronger.This is a real test of just how much you mean to each other.

      Care long,love hard y'all

    3. ashleyxyz


      Hey Dave, i was looking at some pics and deleting some stuff. And I saw I never replied to this. You right, gardening is a real fun and satisfying hobby of mine. Put in some peppers and tomatoes in my small garden,  and have a lot of flowers, lots of butterflies! And we bought a hummingbird feeder and we've seen quite a few of them, they're amazing to watch! How are you making out with your plants?

    4. Dave 27

      Dave 27

      Hey Ash,hope you and Guy are good,glad to hear your still doing your gardening,are your peppers chilli ones or the ordinary ones? I've only got a small plastic shed thingy but I've got a few trays of Scotch bonnet chilli's on the go,a couple of pea plants,and same of tomato's.However I won't be entering them into any competitions😁.We've got a good show of flowers this year though,I built a couple of planters a while ago and they are stuffed full of,lobelia,begonia,pansies,and some others which I don't know what they are as I 've lost the label😞.Last year was our golden wedding and our grandkids gave us among other things a rose bush and this year it is really beautiful and full of yellow roses.Margarets 70th birthday rose has shot up to about 3ft tall and has about a dozen pink roses showing.I'm just a real amateur gardener Ash trying to make it all look good.Oh I forgot our 9 hanging baskets😁

      Are you and Guy back to work yet?,hope you've still got jobs!!.

      I know you will be trying your hardest😁but is there not any sign of a tiny new arrival?👍

      Margaret and I will be Great grand parents in a few weeks👍It' s a boy👍Can't wait.

      Great to have a wee blether Ash,cheers!!👍

  4. The little boys club didn't last long. LOL

    Baby Crying GIF by memecandy

    1. Robwin


      Lol I thought I had seen the emperor make an appearance and comment lol. But I had heard from a little bird that they are putting the ones that stayed here on ignore? Now whether that's true or not fuck knows not that I am bovered as they say lol. No doubt things will become clear after a while but hey ho if it makes them happy good fucking luck to them.👎

    2. Slender Man

      Slender Man

      On ignore. God how will they cope. Might need to make a "ignored" help society for people to get over such a disastrous time in their lives. 😁

  5. R.I.P Sir Stirling Moss.



    1. Robwin


      Final pit stop eh, great guy RIP

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