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Everything posted by dp7

  1. I had the same problem too but only in this realm. I think it was the only worth watcing appartment the last days.
  2. Great night and beautiful couple i think they earned an appartment if they want to. Happy new year Mira and Henry with happy moments and anything you wish
  3. I asked info from support when Jen Bradley and Stifler will come back and they answer this. Hello. Thank you for contacting us. Unfortunately we don't have estimates for that tenants returning. All of them should come back, but without exact dates.
  4. You can replace expectations with standards if it make more sense to you
  5. Thats the point most of them never do it.. And by the way you are watching vh not Big brother or Netflix. People that participate in this project should be aware of the expectactions the audience has. And i dont think anyone force them to join.
  6. I can accept appartment that their residents are sleep all day but not this. Whats the point of doing party and not into the group sex thing. I feel like they are think we are completely stupid
  7. I would be happy even with threesome but they let me down all the time lately. I feel like watching Big brother instead vh at most apparments
  8. i expect an other social visit nothing interesting will happen as usual recently
  9. I really happy i was wrong about them tonight and really happy that they are reading the forum and turn lights on. I hope they will continue like this and become an interesting apartment again.
  10. They hadnt post on twitter for a long time i think. Probably they lost a lot of viewers and they will lose even more if they continue like this
  11. Houses like mira and henry, bradley and Jennifer, isa and bart. Of course there ups and down to those appartments but at least they have some moments to remember. What moments can you recall from appartments like Ellie and kirril or masha and Lex, mulan, Ruth and Mary
  12. The last time i remember i really watched and enjoy what i was seeing was the isa/clarise bj swap. That was about a year ago. Every month is worse than the previous one. I really dont know when this will end and finally interesting houses will open
  13. Second time she appear alone. I hope she left that idiot
  14. I dont know about you i got tired with that game. I put them to my black kist appartments
  15. Different day same shit. Again herb and kylie fucked in different room. I dont think we should waste any time with them again
  16. I haven't seen anything interesting for almost a week now. I think its the worst days of vh ever.
  17. Vh tv twitter account isnt suspended
  18. I really cant think how vh should react. I dont think they have a prediction for so big penalty for what they did
  19. I sent to support too about this and demand an answer about their fine and ban or i will cancel my subscription.
  20. Enough with them fine is nothing vh should ban them also and tweet about their decision
  21. Karel is visiting. Probably to apologise about last night. If Anyone who Speak Russian could translate it would be helpful
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