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Posts posted by wooders78

  1. 7 minutes ago, Veritas said:

    Surprising Aziza in B7 at this time at the pool she who does not like the heat ... She never does anything without calculating... The pitter as SURPRISED as me... The spurned lover sulks... COMEDIA d'ell arte!

    RLC are doing a 3 day promotion so the girls have been told to make it watchable, they can sit on their beds with their phones when they have some new subscribers LOL

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2
  2. 12 minutes ago, happyone said:

    I think the girls just get tired of her trying to run the show, butting in and trying to take over--and trying to direct their actions--and trying to control everything and everyone--she is obnoxious.  That is what is killing this apartment. IMO

    whats killing this apt is lubna going to work every night and sleeping during the day, and nadia prefering to live at home instead, try blaming RLC for paying girls that are never there

    • Like 1
  3. 39 minutes ago, Xarvaz said:

    Completely agree, but then I mainly think of Tani, Aziz and Ash.
    Dylan can leave because this is just a brutal idiot but Potato is funny and provides viewing pleasure, Nelly and Bodgan should be replaced by a real caretaker (male female) for both villas and the alcohol consumption should be reduced and last .. the RLC employees are no longer allowed to play a role (think of Fior). No more hiding places, the residents have chosen to share their lives then they should not hide in every hole they find

    I think the Villas will be fun again.”

    ur suggesting wholesale changes yet they cant find a replacement for azura LOL

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