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Posts posted by wooders78

  1. 49 minutes ago, ddhm said:

    Zhanna was horrible and I was “ protesting “ for her removal .. Shantal is different and she’s not snob as Zhanna , when a woman fucks  all the time she’s a prostitute and a slut , this one that it is only rumors and speculations out of the apartment , she’s a “ do nothing “ because it is her choice .. she’s a pleasant person , she smiles , she participates and interacts with the others and yes , she doesn’t do lots of privacy , better say nothing at all on cameras … if you want then a Serafima or a Zhanna or one of the twins  or both of them , stay tuned because as it seems people forget worse examples .. of course there are better but if it was all extreme , the voyeur’s feelings would be long gone , after all , there’s always Leora when people are bored with any Barcelona “ do nothing “ girls . 

    im glad ur super subscription can see what they do offcam, i suppose u can see that shantal isnt fucking when shes out, like tonight for example, when megan and the Ws return and she takes an extra hour

  2. 2 hours ago, ddhm said:

    As you can understand , she isn’t horrible for everyone and many people have different tastes .. and you need to accept that all tenants ( female ) isn’t just about masturbating that you are an addicted .. so , it won’t be so bad accepting other people wishes of watching the girls as others are accepting your “ complains “ that the girls are “ do nothings “ .. we have seen way way way much worse .. 

    shes a black zhanna, rarely in, and does nothing when she is, i dont remember u defending zhanna

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  3. 20 minutes ago, Miraguy said:

    The only reason I re-joined RLC was because Zara came back. Now I see she and Dana are packing to leave and I'm pissed off. As far as I am concerned there is no one else on RLC worth spending my time watching. So as soon as my sub runs out I will cancel.

    they stayed longer this time than their 1st visit, i wonder if they will leave seperately like last time

  4. 1 hour ago, Xarvaz said:

    it's just vacation time and I can imagine that they want to get away from the cameras for a while, when the weather gets worse again they can't go anywhere, there is still plenty to see and also keep an eye on Zara and Dana ... they breed on something

    they dont bother with a vacation sign for tani, everyone knows that shes only there mon and tues every week LOL

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