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Posts posted by wooders78

  1. 1 hour ago, kris66 said:

    Why? They just arrived and are eager to explore Barecelona. I would too.  The eternal complaint from some of you guys about the tenants going out is frankly getting veryboring. It's called REAL LIFE 😉 
    The little I have seen of these girls I so far get the feeling they are way more extrovert and fun than Zara and Dana were.

    they should have paid for a holiday here then

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  2. 22 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

    From my observation, it seems that Megan's boyfriend sometimes can't take his eyes off of Sambuka. 

    This happened when they were at B7 earlier and few times before they left B1 to go to B7. I think he had short conversation with Dylan in Italian at B7 about Sambuka.

    I guess Megan won't be happy if he hooks up with Sambuka 😏 🤔

    if he cant see a possible threesome here then he doesnt deserve to fuck anyone

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  3. 10 minutes ago, badboylovesgirls said:

    Allow me to correct your statement. Girls usually gain some weight when they stay on RLC for extended period of time such as: Amalia in her last stay in B2. In my opinion, she was very chubby when she left. 

    Also, Megan gained some weight during her last stay in the penthouse of B4 and she looked very thin when she came back this time. 

    amalia put on weight coz they were lots of parties and monica always took pizzas to them

  4. 2 minutes ago, Monsena said:

    Hi all. so... I was asking myself what happened between sambuka and her boyfirend: the didn't see for some days, this evening at Tereza's she arrived do the greetings and went... was cold with him, but not surprised to find him there. Now I know why: she's with a boy at her house (alone, others are at tereza's). But... how did this change came?


    shes will be back with him on his next pay day

    • Haha 1
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