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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Stranger things have happened lol.
  2. She could well be a bouncer as well. You never know.
  3. Bet that was a laugh him trying to iron. Like a coo with a shotgun. Early night for a change. 😆
  4. Leora getting ready for work. 🤔
  5. Leora on the computer checking his work. 🤣
  6. Giving her another day or so to see if she starts behaving "normally" before they give her a name. 🤣
  7. Was pretty straight forward and easy enough to understand for most. 🙄
  8. Love a day just moving everything about the apartment. 🤣
  9. SlePaul on the computer pretending he's working. Maybe he'll make lunch today. 🤣
  10. No argument left. Stated the obvious and if you and others are too stupid to realise that, that's your problem. End of.
  11. Maybe resting after her other job as a bouncer. 🤣
  12. She knows how to use a hoover. Certain members will be chuffed with that. 🤣
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