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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Guaranteed not straight from the go. No-one with at least half a brain is going to expect that. Confused all use want. Just shows how stupid.
  2. Give RLC a week or so to realise and add a name to the apartment 😀
  3. Sometimes. Red and white one is my favourite. 🤣 Behaving normally your first time in an apartment full of cameras. Yeah ok then. 🙄
  4. And as many keep on stating. They are not obliged to do or show anything. 🤣
  5. For starters she's not long turned up, and not getting paid ( as far as anyone knows) so why should she show the goods. Would you?
  6. Guest unpacking. Staying a while then. Better get behaving normally then. Legs spread n all that. 🤣
  7. Caroline's turn to relax at the other apartment today. Or maybe there practicing more with her CB friend. 🤣
  8. Behaves normally. What exactly is that? Sent a complaint. Good luck with that. 🤣
  9. Christmas cum early for Guy if that happened. 🤣
  10. At least they do something on a daily/weekly basis, compared to some we could mention.
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