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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. That would be far too much effort for SlePaul. A 2 minute wank (being nice) and he'd probably sleep for a week. 🤣
  2. Always acted more like his mother. Even in the early days, done everything apart from wipe his ass. And him being a lazy cxxt will take full advantage. Only God knows what she sees in him. Must be his great personality. 🤣
  3. Sorry DraMashPiss. 🤣
  4. Nutty Nads back to see her favourite couple. 🤣
  5. Like other dickheads. Only they can be negative or criticise tenants.
  6. Of course that's all part of Real Life. I'm sure you have done it loads as well. 🤣
  7. SlePaul started putting groceries away then got too hard for him. 🤣
  8. Since 2011 lol. Some have been watching longer. 😂
  9. Not even a good one.
  10. Nothing like going from one used situation to another. Couldn't pick two worse couples to get involved with.
  11. Baldie getting his fair share of Marilyn. Get it in there while you can. 👍
  12. Leora ironing. SlePaul on computer working sucking Lollicock. 😂
  13. The moron would believe that as well. 🤣
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