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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Early night definitely be needed. Long busy day. 😴
  2. Balcony time. Guess how many times she touches/adjusts her hair 🤣
  3. Eating again. All that work they do.
  4. Didn't take them long to get back in their positions.
  5. Knobhead the saviour getting involved. 🤣 Hero
  6. Been long enough. She's well out his league to begin with.
  7. Night and day. Madison shows very little emotion/reactions. Hopefully in time gets better and doesn't do the same thing over and over. Marilyn needs to change routine. Like so many others.
  8. Linda laying down looking at her phone. Tibore on the computer working. 🤣
  9. Didn't miss much. More of a little rub and a scratch. 😂
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