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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. And some say she never gets the chance to bate when SlePaul is there.
  2. That's nothing. Seen Xmas trees still been up in July 😂
  3. Drinking, slapping, kicking etc. This is going to end well.
  4. Happy couple return. Straight to laying on the couch.
  5. What an entertaining pair they would be. 😴
  6. You would have to be desperate picking him for battle. End up falling asleep.
  7. Not that lazy and emotionless. 🤭
  8. 30 seconds. That his best time. 🤣.
  9. Mostly VHTV. Can tell by the shitty apartments and clear to see cameras.
  10. I thought my son had a shit load of Lego. 🤣
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