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Everything posted by Jonno

  1. Mostly VHTV. Can tell by the shitty apartments and clear to see cameras.
  2. I thought my son had a shit load of Lego. 🤣
  3. Exactly what they are set-up for. Even Stevie Wonder could see that coming.
  4. The laptop falling down back of the bed. Fuck it 🤣
  5. Little creep still hanging about.
  6. Twosmith. He certainly hasn't improved. Well, girlfriend wise for sure.
  7. Linda still in bed. Having lazy Saturday.
  8. He struggles to eat food properly. What chance has he got with pussy. 🤣
  9. Not forgetting. Thick as pig shit. 🤣
  10. She was up at that time. She piss the bed. 🤣
  11. Linda on the computer working. 🤣
  12. You know they are desperate when Twosmith is an option for a return. 🤣
  13. No time for her. But good chance she's the replacement.
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