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Everything posted by RdKing

  1. He knows shit! Just a wild imagination and obsession!!
  2. No changes, she still bates under the blanket or in her underwear... she does not belong!
  3. Leora is always at the beginning of getting sick 🤢
  4. You're right it doesn't matter to me, I am not aware nor care about your personal life. I mean you no harm just remembered how you reacted when she got sick last time and you lost it. You should talk to your doc, I:m sure your obsession with this apt is not helping your mental health. Take care!!
  5. That girl can't sign but she sure sounds good during an orgasm...
  6. are you going to go bi-polar on us again?? asking to put the apt UM cause she sneezed??
  7. Here you go again twisting things. How do you come up with jealousy about my comments? I was expressing frustration about her getting boring and suggested that she at least bring in a female friend to socialize with... like I said before, you need to get out of your tiny Greek island and see what life really is... you must be too busy getting it greek style on a daily basis !! it is no business of your why I and others continue to watch Leora and nothing you can write/invent will change this, BTW, how where is your General ?? 🤣😱😂🪛 Thought she was going to get to the top real fast...lol Proves that you also know shit!
  8. Oh and BTW, don't forget to send one of you toy, Mr, pink, Blue or Black to Masterchef... he really misses them!! 😂🤣
  9. Thank you Leora for another beautiful boring day. It would be nice to see some friends of yours, male or female who cares, anybody... Just so we can see you more in a social environment. Always seeing the same nothing over and over is getting extremely boring. You can't have it all, guess life has not taught you that lesson yet. I am not a big fan of Malia but at least there was interaction in that apt while she was there so why can't you find another female friend and invite her over once in a while. Just give us (me) something that will revive my interest in you. Tks!
  10. There you go again, assuming you know what other people think or do! You must be related to Aladino or maybe are the same person. BTW, I've been around your part of the world and have not much good to say when it comes to Greeks, except for the ladies of course. I'll do the smart thing and will add you to my ignore list 😷
  11. You need to get out of that small island you call home. It obviously affect your mental health!! Like everyone here, you know shit when it comes to Leora except for that crap you make up 💩💩
  12. Depressing Nana should move in this apartment! Holly could move back to the villa, she can be fun also...
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