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Everything posted by RdKing

  1. It is quite clear that you are the one obsessed with Dennis... just because he made a pass at Malia when drunk. As far as I know he did not insist nor raped her. I would have probably done the same if drunk with Leora...not Malia.
  2. Even the twins were doing more than these 2... sad!
  3. and lazy...just like the Deep Purple song makes me think of her...lazy always in bed etc.
  4. to replace 2 do nothing with 2 do nothing makes sense for RLC
  5. Leora should do what she wants to do when she wants to do it and with who she wants to do it with. It will have no effect on anyone's life here except hers. Just be happy L. 😁
  6. I could name a few who have far worst body than Karol... starting with Olivia, K&A, Kylie, Daniela, Fiora, Harleyand and Gyana... I would also include Radi who's all plastic and too skinny.
  7. I agree that she has quite the body...tight little ass.
  8. take the makeup off... but it's still a question of taste I guess.
  9. why the fuck are they keeping ugly Mila there?? She is useless and as boring as the twins 🤬
  10. Just curious, how do you know this man is very intelligent?
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