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Everything posted by kitek

  1. She is moving out from K&K apt. to live with her BF in St. Petersburg. they're planing to get married next year.
  2. I get it,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but she didn't shower for last 2 days so she had no choice this morning.
  3. He simply doesn't get it. Without the time on the streams we can't even tell if all the cams are live.
  4. They're watching TVR1 which is Romanian channel from the laptop. It's geoblocked because couples in the apartments are Romanian. Common practice for all voyeur sites to block country origin of the tenants.
  5. I'm not asking about TV but people living there are not speaking Italian to me. Admin of this site said in chat he is not Italian either.
  6. Audio is not clear, needs some adjustment. You can hear a lot of distortion, it's hard to listen to them speaking or music playing. What language are they speaking?
  7. Audio quality, why is it so bad? Microphones or the transfer rate is too low creating all kinds of strange noises.
  8. Quality site? Far from quality when it doesn't support all browsers, problems with playback in IE, Chrome Chromium - Error -113 when loading url https://www.camarads.com/home/3/2
  9. 16.02 1:25 am in the bedroom Nicole says that after waking up she has to wait long time for Estelle to get up. She would like to get up early and do something together. Estelle explains that she has not enough sleep and does not want to sleep later in the day. Nicole says that if she went to bed around 1 am she would get enough sleep. E says that she is accustomed to sleep by herself and therefore can not fall asleep and does not get enough sleep. For two years she sleeps alone and now with N she can't get good sleep. N: Why do I get up today, yesterday ...? E: Because you are you and me is me. People are different from each other. N: Someone persuaded you that you should sleep alone ... All my friends are able to sleep in pairs. Why are you the only one ...? E: Because I'm a different. Increasingly they raise their voice and outshout one another. N: Someone persuaded. The first time I meet someone like that. I slept on the camps with my friends ... only you are so special ... E: Do I tell you what you're doing wrong in your life? N: That's not what I mean. I wish we had planned something together ... E: I do not want ... N: I did not go anywhere ...because you will have good sleep. "God gives to those who get up in the morning." . Already more than once I offered, we got up early and you ignore me. I am patient but in the end get angry. E: Screw you. N: Oh, great. That is an answer by someone who does not know what to say. I see that you are similar to Danaya. You said that you are so great and you are really not different. E: You start an argument about half past two in the morning. Are you disturbed when you were lying? I spoke to you? N: You've been drinking wine alone? Cool. You came to me ...? E: You've been waiting until two in the morning to tell me that? N: ... you come to me? Something I said? E: Girl! Slow down! N: Do not talk to me. E: Do not teach me how to live. N: I do not teach you how to live your life just do not want you saying I'm selfish ... E: Of course, you're selfish. Even now, when you see that this conversation does not make me pleasure you trying to force to continue. How do I say that you get it? You are piles of wood? At half past two in the morning! N: Are you awake now? E: I want to relax ... outshout one another. N: Do not shout ... E goes into the living room. N: I needed this conversation. I'm trying to understand you, and I can not. E: You're dumb. N: You're dumb. You yell at me and can't explain properly. Estelle: I have nothing to explain ... N: Close the door and go to sleep. E is preparing a place to sleep in the living room. E: You live in the world of sex. I did not expect that from you. N: I did not expect this from you. The first situation was with Marco ... E interrupts and says she does not care about the guys. N: The problem is with you, not with men. E starts talking in the living room you can not hear the beginning. She comes back with cushions: ... your eternal whims, your conflicts that you constantly starting. I'm not going to be out of this room. N: Please do not yell. E: Oh. "Please do not yell" !!! N closes the door to the living room: Just so I am. I succumb to emotions. E: You do not succumb to emotions but you're twisted. N: Whaaat? E: You're twisted girl !! lost in life!!! Who does not understand what to do !!! N: You can only scream. E: Yes. Because you simply fucked over, with your pussy !!! I can not say otherwise. Out. Returns: I sleep as I want, I eat, I drink as I want !! N: Quiet. 1: 31 am N: You came here to scream? You first started to scream today. You made fuss already today. E: That's because you fucked this month. N: What? E: "What" " I do not understand. "Why you play a fool? After all, you know exactly what are your lies. "I'm a girl," "Do not shout at me," "Do not curse at me," "I'm so sensitive." And that, to arrange "crap" you're the first. N: I never shout. E: Oh, you do not scream. Now I have not scream. N: Oh, thank you for doing me this favor. E: What can I say?I did not need these holidays. N: The first situation ... E: Do not tell compare situations. If you do not understand your scams that means you're dumb. N: Oh yes of course, I do not understand anything ... E: You do not understand anything. What was with Vanya you didn't understand. N: I understood. E: In two - three years you get to what I told you today. N: What two years. I realized this when I broke up with him. What has Vanya to do with this? It's my business. I do not criticize your relationship with Ilya and do not criticize your relationship with Misha. It's your life. Why you cling to my relationship with Vanya? You... allow yourself, do not interrupt, let me tell yourself "oh now I know what Vanya was going through." E: Because I realized Vanya that when I thought that he was too much ... N: He was too much ... E: it is, in fact, what you were doing ... that he deserves thanks for the fact that he was with someone like you. N: He deserves No thanks. I see that I meet same people. E: And why do you think? E: Look. If you think you're so perfect ... E: I do not think I'm perfect ... I just do not allow myself, that little girl like you to teach me how to live. N: I do not teach you life. As a friend, I'm telling you what I think and I do not think that I have to teach you life. If we're friends why I have no right to tell you this, this and this. E: I asked for your opinion? N: Wait ... E: Did I now, just now I was asking you about your opinion? I told you that I do not want to talk. N: When I drank wine you came to me and said you want to talk. What was that provocation? If you do not want to talk do not pay attention to me that I drink wine and do not come up to me. I try to distance myself from those quarrels ... E: And why at half past two in the morning you start to fuck my brain. N: I do not fuck your brain. I asked only when you get up tomorrow ? You said that you do not know. I want to at least once arrange something as it should be. E: Don't you see that you go mad. N: Today You drove me to this. Today I experienced disappointment. E: Everyone disappoint you and you're so poor and miserable ... N: I'm not poor and unhappy I am someone ordinary who today was disappointed. E: And at half past two in the morning you fuck my brain and provoke a fight. T N: You were my role model such wise woman but when I first saw the situation with Marco ... Later they talk about some events that took place in Ukraine. N constantly returns to the theme of Marco. All this takes E out of balance and further criticizes N which leads to an explosion. E reiterates that it does not want to continue to talk but does not interrupt the conversation. Earlier they argued because of water, which Nicole drank after returning. N said that she wanted to go to the store to get water but E accused her that she drank the water. E does not react and leaves the room. After her return N still does not give up the subject of joint plans. Says she now starts to get up earlier because she wants to spend time usefully. She can not understand why they can not plan something together. E: Because I live in this way. N tells her to leave her alone. The water. subject is discussed again. Nicole does not understand why Estelle had grievances. E: My dear during the month you fucked me over me so much that I am now forced to just such reactions. And you do not understand just how ram whacks his head against the wall instead of leaving me alone. Until you start to criticize my way of life. Do I keep reminding you that you fuck with the guys on the left and right? Nicole agitated: I do not fuck with the guys on the left and right. Do I have to tell you who fucks on the left and right? I like sex. If you do not need it do not judge each other. My body needs it. For one's health. That does not mean that I met the first guy and with him went, I met with him a second and then went to the third and fourth ... E: How many guys you've had in 3 months? Four? N: Three. So what? So what?! Do not you judge me. Because it is my personal life. I'm not picking up on your. Misha, Ilyusha, Timur ... do not judge anyone. Even when Jessica and Michelle want to appear on the webcam, approx. E: You badmouth them. N: No, I bitched about Jessica just because she started to argue with me. At the beginning we were friends. We just do not fit to each other characters. Nicole says that at the start it was going well with Estelle. She says that before she invited Estelle she was wondering with her mother if she should do it because it can lead to quarrel because of different values. N says that she discussed this subject also with Ruslan. Estelle protests against that Nicole invited her to live with her. N explains if she had not agreed to living with her in the same room then E would never come to Barcelona. E offended tells her not to worry because she will soon leave. Again Estelle reproaches Nicole's selfishness. N again urged her to try to change her way of life. That she gets up at the latest at 11:30 so they go together somewhere. She says that they both need it. Try to get a new experience. Saturate the atmosphere of the country. Experience new emotions. E: I'm being charged with the atmosphere and emotions. Constantly reminds Nicole of the late hour. N notes that they do not usually go to sleep before 3 am, and it is only 2 am. Later, for a long time in the same conversation over and over again. The selfishness, water etc. At some point Estelle states that it took her three weeks to realize who really Nicole was and that she with such people is not friendly and does not have anything in common. She alleged Nicole that she became friends with her just to tie up with Vanya. Nicole keeps telling her to not mention Vanya because she is over with him. She has no respect for him and I did not love him and will not return to him. Later mutual allegations of spending money. N says that how can she trust E since promised to return the money to her parents and still did not do it. E alleges that since she supported N in a dispute with the girls and her relations with them are not the best. N says that today E wanted on the phone discuss Vanya and such issues should be discussed at home and not on the phone. E: But you said that such things you do not talk at home . N shows the balcony. E says that at this moment it is too cold to talk on the balcony. N: Not at the moment only when we were dressed. Again they discuss that when who screamed. N is trying to explain herself because of emotions. E: If you are mentally ill it should be treated. Again, they start shouting. E explains that she does not correspond to the fact that N is trying to impose her own style of life. E: Do not you learned that you should act tactfully. After N again stirs. After another fracas N comes out saying that her throat ached. About 3:33 Nicole is in the kitchen making food. Approx. 3:41 comes E complaining that N is making noise and bothers everyone to sleep. She threatens to complain to their "friend". N asks her to leave her alone and that her head hurts. E slams the door of the cabinet which nearly jammed N fingers. N calls out her aggressive behavior. She begins to lose control. Angrily throws a juice, tries to get E out of the kitchen. She says that since E told her to screw off she does not want to know her anymore. She was warned not to sleep with a friend in the same room because it will end badly. E: If you are a friend, it is fine ... N: And if this is so fucked up Estel then yes. End. Exit. Estelle does not want to leave her alone and keeps bothering Nicole claims she makes noise on purpose. Repeatedly asks E to leave, and she's had enough. E laughs and scoffs: Poor, unhappy. N: I do not understand why you do it. Now she sees a person other than that she knew at home. And now when E arrived .... N: The situation with Marco opened her eyes. Etc. E still laughing: What nonsense you're talking about. In the hall hushed voices say something about Marco. You can hear how E complains that Nicole is like a leech. Drains of the people all the power. N says that E looks and behaves like a gorilla from the program in the animal world. Estelle in turn, complains that she lacks reasons and experience. N says she knows her price. E throws a cloth. E gets the word: For how much you sell yourself to the boys? How much to show this? (Lifts shirt showing her chest). € 2,000? 5 blouses, 5 dresses? N: Get out. She ceases to control herself. runs into the hall and throws her fists on E. In the living room E hits N in the face. Then N jumps on her and pins her to the floor: Did you calm down? She lets her go and goes to the kitchen. E revolves around the living room and then go after N. 3:53 in the kitchen. N washes spilled juice. E:You're shit and not human. N: Get out. E: I'll tell your mother to sent you to a psychiatric hospital. Vanya from the beginning was right. N: Go away. E: What a people? Rot. Fuu! Stinking shit. N: What kind of woman are you? You're acting like a guy. E: And you? And you? N: Smell the flowers with your ass. End. I am the worst and you're the best. Go away. E: No. I do not pretend that I'm good. They continued discussion such as before. Finally, E goes to the living room. N goes to her room and E remains in the living room. N is not sleeping and about 5:13 dresses, packs and leaves. 5:20 E moves from the living room to the bedroom and falls asleep.
  10. Estelle is fed up with Nicole telling her how to live her life, calling her the biggest egoist she has ever known. living with her opened her eyes who she really is. Nicole comes out here as immature kid who doesn't know life. This friendship is pretty much over. .
  11. 09.02 around 1:00 kitchen Nastia, K&K and Katia Practically all the time Nastia is talking. First, about her illness (she caught an infection), visit of a doctor and medicines that she has taken. She then goes to the topic of Italian with whom she worked in Italy. He came to Moscow and Nastia has to meet with him tomorrow. Previously, he was half a year ago. They meet at the restaurant 10 minutes from the hotel where he lives. It turns out that he knows Moscow and speaks Russian. Nastia is going to ask him for money but can not decide on what sum to ask him. Initially, says about 300 euros (25 000 rubles). Varies. If you ask 300 he can give her 500 and she could ask for 4,000 euros just for what? She says that when she left Italy he gave her 400. It is believed that he did not have sex for half a year. The girls are surprised. Nastia explains that after divorce from his wife he had some mental problems and therefore had trouble with erection. Kristy asks whether Nastia had to help him. Nastia says that for the first six months he couldn't come. It was only later when he got used to her, he began to function as normally as possible. I do not quite understand what's going on but she demanded that he bought for her 2 cakes. One for her and one for girls. Later, when the girls kept asking to tell them more, Nastia said he was once at the top of her list of guys with whom she wanted to have sex. Kristy: And later he became unremarkable? N: He always was unremarkable. Then she says something about the intention of jumping from the balcony because of her. Nastia talks about correspondence with him. It looks like she did not want to meet with him and agreed only when he offered to bring her medication. I think it was then that she demanded 2 cakes. Apparently he was surprised that the girls do not cook at home just order the food. Later Nastia talks about prices in Italy. Then, laughing she talks that she signed up for sex course that costs 1,490 rubles . She chose 4 directions: Deep throat, vaginal orgasm (for her own pleasure), Art of Thai sex and the pleasures of anal sex. Later in the kitchen are Kami and Katia. They talk about a friend marriage. The feeding of pig with Dima. Kami tells the story of her relationship with Dima and Yegor but does not say how is now her relationship with Dima.
  12. 5 days have gone and you still consider fixing issues like camera brightness in the bedroom etc
  13. It's been 5 days and nothing has been done in Sveta/Vlad apartment. Bedroom cam16 is too dark and the focus is not great either. Night vision in living room not working. Kitchen cam is pointing too high, we don't need to see the ceiling. Move it down to top of the mirror on the wall.
  14. New time line is worse doesn't allow to hit accurate time within certain hour. Previous one was more accurate. Another fail.
  15. Yes nice angle but both bedrooms new cams have no audio, how professional.
  16. Looks like she got upset and he more or less forced her to have sex, she wanted to hit him few times and he got rough with her few times, holding her hands, throwing her on the bed, at the end she tried to kick him but he grabbed her leg and pushed it aside. He tried to kiss her but she kept turning her head away. BTW. Why is archive still buffering every couple seconds? Apparently that was fixed.
  17. 27.01 around 11:48 Irma: What days do you work? Jess: Today, tomorrow, Sunday and Tuesday. Irma: You overwork yourself. Should also rest. Jess: Tell in 2 words how was it? Irma: Danaya liked it. Jess: I'm shocked. And you were so worried. Irma: I was afraid it would be wrong and it turned out that everything was fine. When I came they were in the bar drinking. I thought it was specifically that we have when we come upstairs. Later we went to bondage room and to the cinema. Later we went to the next room. There were three couples. Each hid in corner. It was dark, no one could see each other. We found that there is nothing and went to the hot tub. When we sat 2 pairs came to the pool and one came up to us. During this time Alex did a massage because I hurt my back. Me first and then Danaya. I did Danaya breast massage so Alex also started doing Danaya breast massage. Jess: Oh ... Irma: Alex told us that the couple wanted to have some fun with us. The girl suggested that she play here with us and her husband later fucks us. Jess: Aaaah ... Irma: Alex said about this when they were in the pool. I said, "Alex I would play with her," Alex said: NO. Irma: her husband had big dick. She shows the length and thickness Jess: So it is understandable why she is looking for his victims. Irma: Basically she was riding him but could not see any excitement in her. Later in the pool were two pairs which we did not like. We went to the sauna. The sauna was great. There was a lot of steam but neither I nor Dayana felt discomfort. Alex, as usual was joking. When we washed he sat, he watched us and hid a little and masturbated. I thought that was weird. He told us to continue. I told him that I was cold and I want to leave now. We went to Mac Donald. When in front of us a couple was busy fucking I saw that Danaya was embarrassed. She was not used to watch ... At the end we walked into a room where guy fucked his woman. I lay down on the pillow close to him. The guy looked me in the eye and accelerated. Super fucker. I liked it. She was in such a pose (shows), and he did so (shows). Danaya liked. Alex was ready to immediately buy tickets for Friday and Saturday, when people will be even more. And everything is more expensive. I saw that at the entrance couple pays 40 euros. 28.1.17 Last night, Irma and Danaya with Alex again went the swingers club Before leaving, Jess asked if she liked it last time. She said that Danaya wants a look. On the question of Nora if she is going to fuck, Irma said: NO but Danaya wants to look at asses. This morning Irma and Jess were talking but it was all whispers.
  18. They just had sex, he lasted 2 minutes and now she is in bathroom where the view is very limited as there is no camera by the sink/mirror.
  19. 24.01.2017 Irma and Jessica both lie naked on the bed talking about Alex. (Jessica met him the other night when they went to swingers club with Karol) Jessica: He is so grown up so big but has a speck ... Irma: Sometimes he behaves like a little boy whose mother was offended and have a sense of guilt that he had done something wrong. And sometimes when I get nervous and brainwash him, he comes and looks at me with a sense of guilt just like a little boy. This may be related to something that happened a long time ago and now causes problems. Irma: I liked when we washed in the shower and he looked: You're so horny. Irma: Are you done already? He: No. Irma: So finish it because it gets cold. Irma: Karol did not manage to go through all the ... Jessica: She said something? Irma: She did not say. I think so. I got that impression. Jessica: And he said something? Irma: No, only the next morning on Monday he wrote to me, "Good morning. Blah, blah, blah ... I Hope that you enjoy yours." I didn't reply. I hold him in abeyance because I have my own problems and I do not get along. I did not answer him. The poor guy was nervous. It is like a child. Don't know what to do with him. He behaves as I would like. And the more it deepens the more we get tired. I do not know what will happen in the next moment. Jessica: He does not blackmailing you in some way? Irma: No, no blackmails just poured his grievances. Harmless boy. He does not harm anyone. Actually, I do not know but what this is - harmless. It comes in a variety of such adoption and he likes it. If he likes you let it. Later Nora comes. Jessica: Did you have fun? N: I met with a friend. Irma: She didn't have fun just met with a friend. These are two different things. Jessica: Business meeting? N: We drank coffee. N to Jessica: The first time I see you without panties. They spoiled you. Jessica laughs happy. And widely opens her thighs. N: This is the invitation? J with a laugh: jump. Irma: This is butterfly. I showed you a butterfly. N: Two butterflies please. I & J both open widely legs. N drools fingers of both hands and pretends that is going to touch them. The girls quickly turn away. Jessica: Nooo! Irma: This must be done gently. N: Gently? Well, think again. Irma opens her thighs. Jessica: Did you wash hands? Irma licks her fingers. Jessica: No you have to wash your hands. Nora to Jessica: Come on. Jessica: You need to wash your hands. Irma: Wash. N out. Irma to Jessica: I wonder if with this game Nora goes far or not? N returns with clean hands Nora: You know this joke. I & Jessica: No. N: I'll show you. Come on. Irma immediately opens her thighs and J after a moment's hesitation. N drools fingers: Gently. Irma is quiet with open legs and J screeches and closes her legs. N: That's what it is. Do you understand? Irma: 2 times came in and out. Even nothing noticed. N: Now we'll do differently. She pulls out a container with a spray bottle and sprays her hands. Irma: Disinfection. N out and soon returned with a container and a pen. I & J open legs again. Then gently. N pretends to penetrate them. N: I do not know what you have experienced but I knew a girl who masturbated with everything. Nora lists items: combs .... and even a cigar box. Irma: Believe me, anything like that I did not masturbate. N: But you understand that the imagination is a big deal. Irma seen here people using things like cucumbers, tomatoes and corn. N: It was all nice and disinfected in a condom. When the desire is any phallic object caused excitement. Irma: I guess that after the stories Jess will have a marathon. N: What kind of stories? Irma: will be the marathon .... Irma to Jessica: What's it called? Jessica: What are you talking about? Irma: Squirt. Squirt Marathon. Every day we had squirt marathon. Girls begin talk about. Orgasm and ejaculation. When is the orgasm and when is ejaculation when is not. Later, they are talking about lubricants for vibrators. N: I think that if the boy lived here you would kill yourself because of him and you would parade half-naked. Irma: No. Vice versa. N: If you started do something with him he quickly become impotent. Next topic Ruslan. I: We wanted to massage him but he could not make it. N: I fully understand him. I: I also understand but it was not our fault. We wanted to do everything right. J: In order to feel pleasure. I: It seemed to us that everything will be hop, hop and now. N: And who was that? I: I and J ... She knows how to do it. I: At the beginning he got it up and we began to stimulate it with breast but later it went soft in my hands. N: That's because you got it in your hands. If she (points to J) took .... I: He asked if Jess will not protest. She said she won't and it was over. He dropped! Then again got up for her. Jess explains that he wanted her to suck him. I: He did say nothing like that. He talked about the hands. J: I understood that he wanted me to suck him. Irma: No, He suggested you to do him with hands. Nora leaves. I cries out that he wanted to sleep with her. Later, the girls discuss the terms of trip with Ruslan. It turns out that they can't go. He comes visit them on Thursday, They go to sleep.
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