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Everything posted by kitek

  1. Kristy is going to meet with the dancer that was visiting her before, he invited her to the movies. Just two days ago she didn't want to do anything with him. She must be very horny
  2. 13.11 Jasmin & Belle in the living room Jasmin says she already knows what to do when she arrives back home. She tells what she will bake. B: You come. Beloved missing you badly! You will be busy with some "sports" and then remains to be seen ... J: Yes, yes. When I returned from first trip he immediately wanted me. I told him: You didn't even greet me and you already want some. I'm tired after the trip. (Laugh) And he was so worried how she will manage the trip because I flew for the first time alone, without knowing the language. Not even with friends. All alone. Usually, he goes ahead with all our documents and I do not have to pay attention to anything . I look sideways. He takes care of everything and I do not even know how it works. And now I had to do everything alone. She was experiencing it very strongly. And he called every moment inquiring about every little thing. Are you cold? Are you hungry? How are you? B asks about her travel details to Barcelona. Then the conversation turns to food. J says that everybody admire how much she eats, and that after you can not see it on her. J talks about her ex who really paid attention to it. B notes that back then she was younger and now must begin to consider how much she eats. J says it was two years ago when she was 19-20 years old. B something does not agree with the counting. Says that J two years ago could not have 19 years. J says she is now 23. B notes that 23 - 19 is not 2 J says that 21 was when they separated, and she was talking about the period when they were together. B:Years go by and you get old. J: I'm still far away from getting old. B says that formerly she did not care and ate everything she wanted and now must be careful though when walking down the street is tempted by the smell of food. J says that she also constantly is thinking about food. B says that it is because they have nothing else to do. Especially here they are doing nothing. . J says she thought about taking courses to have something to do. B says that these are additional costs and the need to approach learning with a commitment not attend classes from time to time. B recalls the period when she studied, she was dating guys, cared about beauty, fell asleep in class and learned only what was necessary to obtain a degree. She lived in constant stress, that something does not get done on time. Until now she happens to have vivid dreams and wakes up terrified that something will not manage to pass. She must wake up to realize that after all, no longer has anything to worry about. J says that in her school cafeteria worked acquaintance of her mother and gave her food on credit. B asks whether in school they were allowed to work. J: I performed in ballet show. B asks if her mother was taking benefit for a family with many children. J says that her family did not want to be on social assistance benefits. She tells how she was harassed at school because of the numerous children in her family. Some teachers without any resistance predicted that she will be a prostitute, that will have a child before the end of school, that it does not make sense to learn because none of this will be needed. J says she was, in effect, that the best pupil in her class had child first. Teachers kept reminding the public that her two brothers were in prison. B talks about her school. She graduated from construction engineering collage. After graduating she decided not to immediately go to university. She wanted to make money. After graduation would have a salary of about. 3000 UAH and girl must have much more for her needs. Besides being a construction engineer for her was too much responsibility. None of her friends do not work in their profession. She had a boyfriend who studied in Milan and was going to live there permanently. They planned that will be with him to live there for periods of 3 months each. Discussing on. Work in other professions. Among other things, the work of the waitress. J says she would have to serve the people who once treated her unkindly or alleged friends who are jealous of her. They begin talk about guys Jasmin says that when she started date her boyfriend, a lot of people thought that she is with him for the money, and now that he has less money is she going to leave him. B says that you can leave only then when a man does not aspire to anything, not trying to accomplish anything. Only drinks and complains. J says : It's that it doesn't bother her if he can not find a job that suits him. It is worse when he starts tell you "Don't go there," "With these do not meet," "Will not go there, because too expensive and I do not want you to spend money on me." Therefore, it is discredit to the man when the woman pays for him. That's what you want me to do. That I sit at home and wait until you find a job that suits you? After all, can you wait a lifetime. B: Well, yes. Up to 60. J: And what about my life. I have to stand still? B: Living in a city where even with the money there is nothing to do because the lack of entertainment and with no money it is totally .... J: I was in such a situation. (talking about her ex-BF) I accepted what he said. He can not find a job. It's hard. I have money. For me, the most important are sex and feelings. But when I saw that he did not even need that ..... I wondered why me? B: What if there is no future. B says that the man with whom she would like to be should strive for something in life, should have a Napoleonic plans and should be ambitious. She doesn't care about his money. He should have desire to live. J: Try hard. B: Sports or something else ... J: And so it goes .... even ... Well ... he betrayed me. Such a thing should not be left unanswered and forgotten. And when you are shopping and you ask him to help you and he says he is busy. And when you come home to see that he was sitting at the computer and playing with friends. B: Yes. Then there's nothing you can do. J: Looking on the other hand, it is well when in the early youth, life gives you these lessons because I now have 23 years I know exactly what kind of a man I need and if he is needed. J: I did not want after that any sex, nothing. I was going to live for my own pleasure. B: Just as I am now. J: And then he showed up and was glued to me, and with no direction. I think of one worse, then with other ... B: When one falls in love, it is recommended that you should give him a chance to love. J: And then it turned out that is pretty good and I loved this man. It turned out good. B: The chance you have to give. J: Then D was flirting with me. B: This one with dark hair? J: Lots of girls were running after him and he deceived them. B: The super handsome and super rich. J: Yes. Super everything. You know 'K'? B: 'K'? Yes. J: It's his friend. Back then I met up with them, but nothing like that was there. We just met and were friends. He brought me flowers. I was attracted to him because of the appearance and other features but did not want any close relationship. I told him right away: If you want sex, we can have sex but closer relations do not interest me. Because when this is not forestalled it turned out that the man was expecting a closer relationship and I did not want that and he was hurt and I was guilty. That is why I preferred to warn him. B: You should anticipate that there may be only physical contact. J: And he said that he does not want to. I said: If you do not want it there. We meet but nothing more. B: I understand what you mean. J: At the same time 'BF' was flirting with me. B: Was there a competition for you? J: Somewhat ?! There were situations (laughs) when I was in a cafe with one of them and at the same time came the second. He saw us together, they shook hands and walked away or sit with us when we invited him. Belle: And they knew each other? J: They met. There were times when I was driving somewhere with BF and he called. He asked, "What's up?" I'm busy. He: You're with BF? Tell him that when you get home it will be my turn to meet you. B: And how did it happen that you chose BF? J: He took me to Dubai. B: You got closer each other? J: Yes Further Jasmin in detail tells about the period when three guys at the same time were competing for her. Later she talks about betrayals of her ex-BF and how she learned about it. Then about where she worked. She says she stopped working on cam sites. Belle asks why. J explains that it was somehow connected with her ex-BF. Some video of her surfaced and everyone began to discuss it and it made her feel very bad, she did not want to go back there. Later J recalls how BF came for her to work and she said she wanted to walk and he walked her home, even though it was cold and it was snowing and he was lightly dressed. Then he had go back to his car. She asked him about it when they were together. He said he took a taxi back. After this she has begun to engage emotionally. Soon after, they flew to Dubai and when they returned they were in a relationship. If I did not like him I would have not met with him. This is not because I saw that he drives a good car and brings me presents. Later mentions various other romantic events from the beginning of their relationship before they became a couple.
  3. In addition to conversation with Michelle. Melissa complains that she can't sleep because of the noises from Lima's room. Later she said that she had spoken to her ex-BF who wants to renew relations. But she found his recordings/photos with another girl. On the occasion she is criticizing her appearance. Melissa says that he makes a fool of her. She talks about some problems in the apartment, she talked about it with Zhenya (!!!). Michelle tells her that keyboard doesn't work in her computer and does not know whether it makes sense to repair it. Besides, she does not know how long it would take to repair. She prefers to buy a new one. Later says to Melissa that she was going to B2 and proposed Melissa to come with her .Melissa says she had never been there but today she is not in the mood.
  4. Let's wait and see if she comes tomorrow, like I said I don't know if that is 'RLC ANNA'
  5. I doubt it has any connection with her conversation with Michelle. You assume too much, WAY TOO MUCH... When I read too many "MAYBE/GUESS" in one post... It's pointless to me...
  6. What is so confusing? Before she got married she was with different guys. Seriously, you need to be told that? Common sense FFS.
  7. 20.11 19: 56 Melissa tells Michelle that she had heard about her performances. Michelle has been for 5 years working on cam sites. Melissa: And what do you allow to show there. She is telling her what it is. Undressing is obviously one agenda but the program must be so directed so you do not limit yourself only to that element. You have to carry on a conversation, arrange competitions and quizzes. You need to be a bit of a psychologist. The show is live and viewers can submit their requests. Melissa asking at what time you have to work. She tells her that for three years she worked from 21 to 5 in the morning and never worked during the day. Melissa asks about earnings. Michelle says that there were periods when she earned $1000 a day. She came to visit Belle. She says that recently she got lazy a bit and doesn't want to work. She would like to stay with friends. Melissa asking how this affects her relationships with men. Michelle said that so far none of her ex-boyfriends reported any objections and now her husband also has nothing against her performances.
  8. For clarification The disagreement between her and Belle had nothing to do with the pills, it was before Belle came to RLC.
  9. I don't know if that is the same girl she is talking about.
  10. 18-11-2016 23:23 Michelle enters B2 asking for Belle. Belle ends the conversation with Emperor as Michelle enters her room. Michelle says that there is horrible (B1?) so she came here. It turns out that Belle and Michelle for some reason quarreled before. Michelle says that she bought tequila to make up with her. M explained her that she had not brought some pills for her because she left quite suddenly and had no time to buy it. Belle says that friends are forever, and nothing should affect their friendship. Belle says she had some friends only for a short time. For friends she is ready to do anything. They shake hands in agreement. Later they hug. They go out into the living room. Belle made a presentation of her room-mates. She asks Belle if she knows what name RLC has given her. She says that it's Michelle. Belle grabs her stomach with laughter. Michelle says that other choice was Nina. M looks around and says that here is better. B says she can be here until 20 ..... she adds, that Anna is coming. M: When? B: 22 . M asks whether to this apartment. B confirms. M upset tapping her foot: How so? Belle: she brings me my pills and you do not. M: I just could not. M says that she will not last there for long (B1) and that there is a nightmare. Especially the girls. B: You can party here. M: With difficulty I managed to get here. B asks whether they bought the ticket for her and then tells what to eat: cheese, tequila, milk ... They go into the kitchen. You can hear the Sia says that tequila glasses are different than for wine. M says that she had left in B1 her suitcase, she talked a little bit with Lima and Melissa and came here. Belle whispers something about. Lima. In the living room. Belle urges Sia to drink tequila. Sia refuses saying she is not feeling well. Belle insists but Sia can not be convinced. Belle after few drinks tells Michelle that it is so warm she often doesn't wear panties and she put the shorts just while ago. They keep dancing with loud music playing until Belle gets so drunk she falls asleep in her bed.
  11. Apparently Lara is leaving soon, they're talking about it few days ago. Lima & Mellisa plan to stay until New Year.
  12. 9.11 Jasmin talks with her boyfriend on the phone. He asks how much they pay. She does not know yet. When he insists she says it will not be much. Later, she says, that girls do different things to get big bonuses. Next she openly says that girls deal with intimate matters. Later talks about Rebecca's problems with a ticket. Rebecca from 1.11 daily signaled that she must leave no later than 10.11 because the validity of her visa ends. And they (RLC) waited with buying a ticket until the last minute. Jasmin complains that they don't treat them seriously. When they want you to come they nag. Jasmin says she does not want to deal with such people. She ends the conversation with BF and talks with Rebecca. Jasmin says that she asked whether BF was going to see his buddies. And he told her to look at the clock. He had just returned. Rebecca surprised that Jasmin is so calm about it. Jasmin says that these are guys in their 30/40 and they do not even talk to each other on these topics. They not even joke. When you are in their company you understand that you should not move these issues because it is an unnecessary waste of time. Rebecca says that her boyfriend told her that he was partying with his buddies and some girls and they also had prostitutes. R: I asked him if he so wants me to announce that he betrayed all of his girls and after that she shouldn't trust him. Belle comes in and complains that she brought so many unnecessary clothes. Jasmin asks then why she asked to bring more of her clothes. Belle says that she ordered to bring warm clothes. J & R joke that she has so many warm clothes that if she doesn't' want pay for excess baggage she will have to wear all jackets at the airport. B wants to move as soon as possible her jackets to Rebecca's room. Later Rebecca recalls how she struggled for her first 15 days. All the girls were befriended and had their topics of conversation and she felt like a stranger. She says that three girls is more fun than two. Rebecca asks Jasmin about sexual life with her BF. Jasmin says that lately they didn't have any and previously rarely maintained . Jasmin says that although she pleases him, he sometimes meets other girls but it's nothing if he wants sleep without obligations. Then they continue watching videos. 10.11 19:50 Jasmin to her BF: You know that some people write comments on what we're doing here. And there are also those who translate our conversation. Madness!
  13. Her name is Katya, blond girl is also Katya, Redhead and the girl sitting with her back to the camera in the kitchen are Anna . The other girls are Veronica and Jula Don't expect Kristy's angels.
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