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Everything posted by madwolf33

  1. pitch black is all I see on the living room cam. any ideals.
  2. wow you got more pics than most people he must have gave her the full 3 minutes. LOL
  3. Lesbians are great in person but not on cam.
  4. I know this is the 5th day that I have counted he has on the same cloths and the 4 day she has had on the same shirt.
  5. damn this guy jacks off more than anyone I know. even me and I pound mine all the time. sometimes the old lady even helps. he pounding again right now
  6. ok this is about any women with any man that has only been heard of taking one bath sense he's been here. buy no pics to prove it. WOULD YOU SUCK HIS DICK. not me if I was a woman.
  7. but lora had a good reason. i love alma. and i guess maria was before me. but i hope this Sysco bitch stays gone.
  8. I would kick them out just for being pigs look at that house. this just proves i'm not coming back and damn sure not giving them a extra $15 a month to see these two pigs.
  9. I don't know how we got here for a adult site but in the us in 2013 we have had 11409 deaths. by gun that's counting our military men and women over seas. accidents. crazy people going nuts and people defending themselves. now the us and 314000000 people here. and that = out to 1 in every 27522 people. and what's bad is a total of 49 military was killed from people we was suppose to be helping and training. while training they turned on our troops. so where ever you come up with this 14 out of 100 get killed by guns is insane. I carry a gun I have a chl. I have a gun in every room of my house I have a gun in both my truck and my car when I get out of bed I put my gun on as soon as my pants go on. I have a gun on both my bikes. I will always carry a gun. I pray I never have to use one in self defense. but I know how to shoot and damn good at it and will and sleep goo that night if I have to. in my bed or jail don't matter.
  10. my old lady just told me Daniel has one hell of a body and she would do him. I told her to go for it but when she goes not to come back. DAMN it she didn't go. lol
  11. I have been looking all over the place and cant find anything else.
  12. I don't know I haven't watched this Sysco bitch sense she went off on him with a knife. just glad he got that bathroom door closed.
  13. damn I thought I had a lot of guns I have one in each room that's 9 plus one in each truck that's 3 and 1 in my car and 1 on my bike 1 on my side and 1 on my old ladys side. plus 6 long guns on the wall. that's only 22. and DTH you welcome to come hit on my old lady but if she hits back you have to take her and keep her. just a warning she is hot. but super MEAN.
  14. I was thinking of coming back if they got more couples but if I have to pay $45 a month just to see them I will just buy new breaks for my bike next month instead. plus the one pic I saw so far don't impress me at all
  15. was turning out pretty hot he eat her pussy she sucked his dick. then they moved to the bedroom. GRRR and now that i'm no longer paying them I miss there show. but cant see giving $30 a month just fot this couple and Diana/ maybe it wont be long and they will get a couple more couples and I will buy into it again.
  16. cool another clue that there might be life there. "white slippers" LOL
  17. I have seen glimpse of people here. but not sure if the really exist. its like looking for BIGFOOT. no one ever really sees anything.
  18. I closed my account not long before this couple came into the picture. and so far still no regrets. Diana and Efim are by far the best couple here. but got board with them. Alina and Anton something tells me they having troubles there sex has cut way back. and that Sysco bitch Isabel I don't even click there cam at all. and ruslan. i'd reopen my account if I was told he was laying in the floor dead or dyeing. and leora i'd bite her old man on the balls to get his dick out of her pussy so I could get in there. but hell she runs around naked so much all over the house there no need to pay for her. and not paying to watch roman jack off.
  19. I heard a couple months ago he took a bath but I never saw it.
  20. wow I never did know you can go from the kitchen to the outside but you can cool
  21. not that I know of from what I can tell they have to be outside or something. i'm glad I didn't renew to RLC. I cant see giving $30 a month just to watch Diana & Efim. leora is naked 90% of the time in the living room anyways. and I don't go to that Sysco bitch's cam at all Isabel's katya is hot as hell but I cant stand to look at her peace of shit old man. i'd love to beat his ass one day. and Sofia & Roman well i'm damn sure not going to pay to watch him jack off and she damn sure not putting out to him enough. Alina & Anton has even been getting pretty cold lately. and Maya & Stepan well ever sense she got that big nasty ass tattoo I don't care to see her anymore.
  22. if you post pics here RLC makes them take them down. I say Camcaps should find the rlc owner and ban him from this site.
  23. they replaced Alma & Stefan I sure miss ALMA I hope she finds a new man and moves into a cam house soon
  24. she was always hot until she got that big ass tattoo so now I don't care what she does or looks like
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