I don't know who recorded this video, But let me give you a helpful tip...
When recording, PLEASE set your recording device in your sound options to Stereo Mix. This will turn off your microphone and will get the full sound of whatever you're recording. I don't think anyone wants to hear you beating off! LOL
OK guys... Now that lev is back, we need to band together and focus all of our mental power into the one thing that will upset us to the core and make sure that it NEVER happens.... you all know what I'm talking about...
Diana and Efim Complete sex at Nelly and Bogdan's
Near the end there is a part where the stream stopped and i had to refresh. other than that this is the entire session from start to finish.
Holy freaking hell!! Sorry I came on late but... This is all the proof I need to connect Dasha and Demid to Diana and Efim.... I just saw Zoya leave... if she shows up at Nelly and Bogdan's I'm gonna freak.
I didn't know this happened yesterday. Anyway, some nice pictures in this article. Enjoy! :)