I don't know if this was mentioned before because i'm too lazy to read the forums right now... but WTF is up with VV automatically switching cameras?.... i turned on Tver to see iris laying on the sofa naked.... then suddenly im watching an empty Dubna apartment.... wtf?
i didn't even realize they were having sex because i was watching the tv show in the background.
seriously though... the only reason i continue to watch this crap is because anna is a fucking goddess. that's about it.... this new girl is cute too.
dammit!! they had to move it to the bedroom.... this couple sucks!!
I'm just kidding about them sucking.... i just wanted them to keep it in the living room...
of course they do... That's the whole reason why Jackie is there... they needed a few good starter tenants so they has Jackie Katya and Ruslan move into those apts. both sites are run by the same people.
no... in fact this is rather rare to see her moving like this... she keeps looking outside her window... like someone may be watching her from outside.