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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. Or worse, dead Russian girl. She needs to stay put. If it's too good to be true, then it's not.
  2. What is Rene getting conned into? I don't trust that man.
  3. The party of "FUCK YOUR FEELINGS!" and "Get over it!" turned out to be the party of thin-skinned whiny snowflakes who need safe spaces and trigger warnings.
  4. I definitely sensed discomfort on her part, and Henry lingered for a while hoping something would develop. Mira sat on the couch, I believe, as a buffer. It was all very uncomfortable.
  5. Val Demings Says She's 'Seriously Considering' A Run Against DeSantis Or Rubio | Crooks and Liars CROOKSANDLIARS.COM “I'm seriously considering a statewide run. And we'll see what happens," she said.
  6. It seems predatory. (shudder)
  7. Yet everything you said is normal and accurate? I don't have a right to give my side? This isn't a one way street Nappy.
  8. The guy never gives it a break. He just seems so creepy to me.
  9. My first shot knocked my ass down for 4 days. That sucked.
  10. Rene arrived and is sleeping next to Rej, so I guess that means Rej is going to piss off for another few days to have more cucumber parties.
  11. Paywall, so can't read what I'm sure is a RW article filled with pure bullshit, so I'm good.
  12. That is by far the stupidest fucking thing I've heard today.
  13. Yet you say the same thing over and over and over and over.....
  14. Another pointless rant. Balls getting in the toilet water again, eh?
  15. Ask the millions of Russians out risking their personal freedom for democracy.
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