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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. Does Ellen/Eliot Page look like a girl or a boy? Do you know what's in his/her pants? Of course you do - You know everything.
  2. You really think that's what I do, don't you? OMG, YOU DO. 🤣
  3. You don't know shit Little Nappy. Again, Economics 101 at your local community college is a good place for you to start.
  4. Exactly how we feel about you and your Far-Right QTrumplican buddies.
  5. Because you can see the color of their skin, not the junk in their pants. You're a racist, bigoted, woman-fearing dumb fuck.
  6. Are you now speaking ill of the mentally challenged? You would. How's it going with your buddy Matt?
  7. Put a hat on your bed and leave it there. See if anything strange happens.
  8. One of the most grievous cowboy faux pas you can commit is placing your cowboy hat on a bed. At best, putting a hat on a bed is said to invite mischievous bad luck or foretell an argument; at worst, it's a premonition of injury or death.
  9. Who put the hat on the bed? NEVER EVER put a hat on the bed. They must remove it quickly.
  10. When did that happen? Oh that's right - The lady in Iowa serving 5 years in jail for voting twice for Trump. Oh, you must also mean the QTrumplican who was ballot harvesting and changing votes to the republican congressman in NC. Is that what you're talking about Napoleon?
  11. 'But Obama" "But HRC's emails" "But democrats" "But Benghazi" but but but.
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