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Everything posted by O_U812

  1. John Dean says that Donald Trump's children 'should be worried' about Manhattan DA case - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism WWW.RAWSTORY.COM Former White House Counsel John Dean told CNN's Don Lemon Wednesday that Donald Trump's adult children should probably "be worried" about the cases being investigated by district...
  2. The cat ALWAYS lets the mouse think it's free.....for a minute. Manhattan DA ramps up investigation of Steve Bannon's alleged border wall crowdfunding scam - Raw Story - Celebrating 16 Years of Independent Journalism WWW.RAWSTORY.COM The investigation into Steve Bannon is ramping up after the Manhattan district attorney's office subpoenaed financial records related to his crowd-funding border-wall effort, CNN...
  3. Oh, he'll say whatever they don't want him to say. It has served him.....well?
  4. I present to Ridgerunner: The tongue up Trump's ass award! Congrats.
  5. I noticed you enjoy using nicknames for your perceived enemies, just like your dear leader. Truly pathetic, the puppet you are.
  6. Still can't let her go. That's good, as it will lead to more democrats winning elections.
  7. Says the Nazi who researches nothing except what comes out the MAGA dicksucker.
  8. He's straightening out Trump's complete clusterfuck. Why don't you point at your "dear" leader.
  9. Oh right....they didn't rake. Do you have any idea how stupid you sound? Get a tape recorder and read your responses into it, then play it back. Clear the underbrush? Just STFU.;
  10. Let Tex-ass bail 'em out. They cooked it and they can eat it.
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